• year five •

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Harry allowed his father to hug him

Numb to all the other pain he would definitely be experiencing

"Harry it's alright...you're okay"

Harry nodded and pulled away from his father, though he felt as if happiness would never be felt again

Dumbledore had defeated Voldemort, though not before the evil wizard had entered Harry's mind

The effects of having the dark wizard in his head still lingered over Harry and he feared they would for a long time

Sirius came trotting over and patted Harry on the back, "you okay pringle?"

James sighed, "you're not still calling him that are you?"

"What?? I've always called him that...just like you still call him munchkin"

"Hey! He's mine I can call him whatever I want"

Harry looked between the two, not knowing what to say but not feeling awkward...it was as if he couldn't experience the most human emotions anymore

"Well Harry really was something out there prongs...you'd be proud"

James nodded and patted his son's shoulder, "I'm always proud of him..."

Harry nodded and looked down at his feet, wanting nothing more than to sit in his room alone

"Well we should get Harry home...let Lily have a look at him"

Sirius nodded and said goodbye meanwhile James grabbed Harry and apparated home

Harry stumbled and doubled over like he was going to sick up but he eventually regained composure

"Harry! Oh Harry!" Lily ran to her son and pulled him into a tight hug

Harry gently held onto his mother

Lily could tell something was wrong with Harry right away, he seemed empty devoid of all emotions

Lily set Harry down at the table, "honey can we talk about it?"

Harry shook his head, "I don't want to"

"Harry I know this is hard for you—"

"Mum you don't know! You don't know how any of this feels for me! You've never had someone else in your head before and especially not a dark wizard!"

"Harry that's no way—"

"Shut up Dad" Harry snapped breathing heavily and glaring at the table

Suddenly the lights all popped around them signally Harry had accidentally lost control of his temper

He cursed and stormed upstairs leaving his parents in shock

Lily sighed sadly, "leave him James...he'll talk when he's ready..."

Though Harry's angered state lasted for several weeks it wasn't until his birthday that he seemed to loosen up

After weeks of silence he spoke up, interrupting his parents conversation about the order. "I -I'm sorry about all this..." he said miserably gesturing to himself

"Honey why are you apologizing for yourself?" Lily asked gently

"I've been awful to both of you and... I'm sorry"

James crossed his arms, he'd had a special grudge for his son for the past few weeks

Lily though sighed, "I know honey...no kid should ever have to go through what you've gone through"

Harry nodded slowly and looked at his hands

James sighed at the sight, he walked over to Harry and gently rubbed his shoulders shocked at how tense his son was

Harry pulled away but James held him tightly

"Harry look how tense you are"

Harry sighed and allowed his father to loosen up his shoulders

Lily smiled kindly, "so Harry how's Cho?"

James snorted, he never liked that girl...he much preferred Ginny though Harry seemed infactuated by the older girl

James only found her to be rude and high maintenance

"We uh...we broke up" Harry blurted our, trying to say it fast so he wouldn't have to think of it

James slightly smiled though Lily looked devastated

"Oh no honey I'm so sorry"

"It's fine..." Harry said sadly, "we were never a good fit anyways"

Though Harry's sadness quickly turned to anger, "she actually was pretty awful"

James nodded, "I was wondering when you'd catch on"

Lily punched his arm, "James!"

"No mum he's right"

James nodded and gently shoved Harry's arm, "Ginny's where its at son—"

"Dad she's already taken and I can't do that to Ron...a-and I dont even like her anyways!"

James and Lily shared a disbelieving look before returning to their interrupting conversation leaving Harry alone in his thoughts to ponder over if he did in fact fancy Ginny

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