• birthday dinner •

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July 31st 1989

"Harry sweetheart let me help you"

"No mummy I dont wanna wear this and I dont wanna go for dinner!" Harry crossed his arms and pouted

"Harry sweetheart please...it's your birthday dinner"

Harry frowned and shook his head, he was still dressed in his little quidditch jersey as James had taken him to a quidditch game for his birthday

Harry now though was in no mood to go out for dinner with his parents

"Harry please...it's just jeans and a shirt can you do that for mummy"

"No! I hate jeans and i hate the shirt"

Lily sighed, "Harry this isn't big boy behaviour, you're nine now you have to act like a big boy"

Harry grumbled

"Please honey, tonight we're going to have fun I promise"

Harry reluctantly nodded and raised his arms above his head

Lily pulled his shirt off, she gently pinched Harry's pale flat stomach earning a little giggle from him

"Mummy don't do that" Harry said through a blush

"Why not? Does it tickle?"

Harry nodded and then quickly shook his head, "I'm not ticklish mummy"

"Oh yeah?"

Harry nodded

"Not even here?"

She gently tickled his sides earning loud giggled and squeals from him

"M-mummy Stop! Stop!"

Lily smiled softly and relented enjoying how Harry had collapsed into her arms

She sighed, he was growing so so much

He still was small but he now was too large for Lily to pick up which saddened her greatly

At least he still loved her cuddles, the day he'd stop loving cuddled with mummy would be the most heartbreaking day for Lily

Harry gently held onto his mother, his bare abdomen pressing against her

Lily smiled, "kiddo do you know how much I love you?"

Harry blushed, "a lot"

Lily smiled, "i love you more than words can describe"

Harry giggled, "i still love you mostest mummy"

Lily smiled and kissed Harry's cheek

She dressed him easily and walked him downstairs where James was dressed almost exactly the same

"Hey kiddo"

"Daddy!" Harry ran to his father hugging him tight

Lily was sad to say that as Harry aged his clinginess to her disappeared and was replaced by a deep love of James

Harry as he aged also mirrored his father more and more

"You ready for tonight kiddo?"

Harry nodded and smiled, "i wanna sit beside you Daddy"

James felt happy that Harry finally seemed to desire his company more than Lily's, though he could tell it was hard on his wife

"How about you sit in the middle munchkin, then you can sit beside both of us"

Harry nodded, "okay"

They took Harry for dinner and enjoyed the night but Harry grew frustrated when he couldn't eat his own spaghetti

"Daddy I cant do it! I shouldnt have got pas..pasgetti"

James sighed, "Harry please just eat"

"I cant do it!"

Lily smiled softly, "sweetheart let me help you"

Harry frowned but nodded, allowing Lily to twirl his fork around and surprisingly allowing her to feed him

He smiled and finished eating gently holding Lily's hand

She smiled realizing she was in fact still her son's favourite

"Harry it's time for cake" James said through a smile, gesturing to the snitch cake being presented to Harry

Harry grinned, and clapped blowing out the candles and hugging his parents

"Thank you"

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