• scared •

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July 23rd 1987

"Harry hold my hand I dont want you to get lost"

Harry nodded and held onto his father's hand tightly

Today James had decided to take Harry to Diagon Alley in hopes he would find Harry a birthday present

"Daddy I can we get ice cream?" Harry asked with a smile

James smiled and nodded down at his son, he was amazed by how much Harry had grown in the last couple months, he still was a decent amount smaller than most kids his year but he had definitely grown a couple inches since the summer began which was exciting and sad

He no longer pronounced his r's as W's which James cursed Remus for, his friend was too good of a teacher

"Harry how about we go to Quality Quidditch Supplies! Maybe we can get you some new...Harry?"

James felt his heart sink in panic as he glanced around anxiously for his son

"Harry? Harry??" He began to get frantic now searching crazily until he spotted the small figure with wild black hair with his face pressed against the glass of the newest broom on display"

James quickly picked Harry up, feeling much more secure with his son in his arms

"Harry kiddo i thought i said don't let go of my hand?"

"But Daddy look!" Harry pointed at the broom with a wide grin on his face

James sighed, "i know Harry but you scared me...you can't go running off like that okay?"

Harry nodded and smiled, "sorry..."

James sighed knowing he couldn't stay cross with a face such as Harry's

"Come on how about we go into the store and look at the brooms"

Harry grinned and smiled

James led him into the stood keeping him in his arms out of fear that he might loose Harry once again

After they succesfulky picked out a supply of new quidditch things for Harry, such as a new little broom and some new little figurines James walked him to get ice cream

Harry smile, "daddy can I have cookie dough!"

"Of course kiddo"

"James ordered both himself and Harry ice cream and walked along, holding his son's hand as they walked along

"So Harry are you happy?"

"Yes daddy so happy" Harry said with a smile taking a large lick of ice cream and getting it all over his face

"Munchkin try and get it in your mouth yeah?" James crouched down and gently wiped Harry's face with a napkin

He then stood up and sighed, "i better go to gringotts quickly is that alright kiddo?" James said as he took a few steps

"Harry? That's—"

James looked down and was startled to see that he once again couldn't find Harry

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