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Once McGonagall got over her shock, she picked up the phone from the floor and talked in hushed whispers to whoever was on the other end. Draco wondered what was going on and it looked like everyone else was too. He headed over to Blaise's desk to converse.

"What do you think is going on, mate?" Blaise asked as Draco reached his desk.

"I honestly don't know, but I have some theories," Draco responded.

"Of course you do, you're Draco Malfoy," Blaise laughed.

"I was thinking it's either McGonagall's significant other proposing to her over the phone --"

"Only Draco could come up with a theory like that," Theodore Nott said joining the conversation.

Draco shot Theo a glare and continued, "Or, it has something to do with the virus; maybe someone she knows died."

"Ok, that could be the reason, but why couldn't the call wait until after class?" Blaise questioned, "Or, why is it taking the person on the other end of the phone so long to get the news out?"

"I don't know!" Draco whispered loudly. "It's just a theory, it could be something totally different."

"No, I think you're onto something," Theo cut in, "The virus seems like all the world is talking about right now." At that moment, McGonagall hung up the phone and turned around slowly.

Everyone was sitting by their friends and talking about what could be happening. Even Granger had moved over to Potter's desk to talk to him. McGonagall finally spoke, "Everyone, I have some news." McGonagall looked like she was about to be sick all over Weasley who was in the front row. Draco, personally, would have been totally fine with that.

"Are you okay, Professor McGonagall, you look a little ill?" Granger asked.

"No, no, I'm okay. It's just, well, how do I put this? Covid-19 has started to spread to the USA and a case has just shown up in New York. We are in Connecticut so that's a little too close for comfort to New York..."

"We aren't here for a geography lesson," Blaise called.

"That is enough, Mr. Zabini. As I was saying the phone call was informing me that we will be going into quarantine because the cases of the virus have been steadily becoming worse," McGonagall stated. There was a moment of silence when all of a sudden everyone started cheering. McGonagall tried to quiet everyone down but the cheering just got louder. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" McGonagall shouted. Everyone settled down instantly. Once everyone settled down Granger stood up with a look of outrage on her face.

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- Ms. Scarlet

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