Apartment Assignments

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Draco was frozen in shock. He couldn't believe that he had gotten Granger. That was the one person he couldn't stay with. Their personalities clashed horribly.

He slowly turned towards McGonagall. "This must be a mistake. I can't stay with her!"

"Would you mind telling the class who she is?" McGonagall remarked.

Ignoring McGonagall he turned to Granger pointing an accusing finger. "This is your fault! You probably rigged it!"

"I take this to mean that we have to stay together!? Well, Malfoy," Granger spit the name out like it was too disgusting to even say, "Why would I want to stay with you any more than you would want to stay with me? You are a boy, and boys are pigs. Especially you!" Granger finished with flare.

"If your little chat is over then please head to the office to receive your living assignments," McGonagall cut in before Draco could respond.

Draco looked over at Granger to see she was already glaring at him. "What are you waiting for, Granger? Ladies first!"  Draco opened the door for Granger, but while she was walking through, he stuck his foot out. She stumbled but regained her balance and winked at him.

 Draco mumbled under his breath, "Stupid Granger," and closed the door behind him. Granger glared at him which he took to mean that she had heard him...or maybe it was just one of her 'I hate Malfoy' glares which he got a lot.

They headed down to the main office and asked the desk lady for the assignments. Her name tag read, "Pomfrey". Draco vaguely remembered she was the school nurse from the time he broke his arm because of that idiot of a teacher, Hagrid. 

"Ok, so Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, you two need an apartment for quarantine, correct?" Pomfrey asked.

Granger replied before Draco could, "That is correct, and preferably with two different beds." Granger punctuated that remark with another glare at Draco as though it was his fault they were in this situation.

"This should work," Pomfrey handed Granger a slip of paper.

Granger thanked Pomfrey and headed off to who knows where. Draco ran after Granger, "Where do you think you are going!?" 

"I am going to the..." Granger looked at the slip, "number 12 apartment building. Where are you going?" Granger smirked.

"I guess 12 also," Draco smirked back.

"Ugh," Granger moaned "I locked my keys in my car."

Draco looked around and realized they had reached the parking lot and were standing in front of a silver Toyota. "What are you going to do about it?" Draco asked smugly.

Granger groaned as though it physically pained her to ask this. "Can you please drive me to my current apartment so I can get packed and get my spare keys?"

"Only if you let me have first the pick of rooms," Draco laughed.

"Fine. Where is your car?" Granger waved her hand around.

Draco led her over to a brand new Tesla and her jaw dropped.

Draco led her over to a brand new Tesla and her jaw dropped

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Thanks for reading. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My grandparents are over but I got up before them today. Thanks for the comment koa900 Please comment, vote, and recommend fanfiction 💕
Also here are the other pairings in case you were wondering
Hermione & Draco
Luna & Blaise
Pansy & Harry
Parvati & Theo
-Ms. Scarlet

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