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"Hermione! Are you ready?" Hermione heard Draco yell from the living room.

"Coming!" she yelled back. Draco had asked her to drive him to Theo's apartment so they could have a bro day. Draco's Tesla was at the shop getting an upgrade. Don't ask her why or what the upgrade was because she had no idea. Hermione didn't understand Draco's obsession with cars at all. Cars are just expensive machines. Over the course of quarantine, he made her watch some of the Fast and Furious movies with her. Honestly, she still didn't see the appeal.

Hermione grabbed her bag and headed out to her car where Draco was now waiting impatiently. She hopped into the driver's seat and drove over to Theo's apartment. When she pulled into the parking lot, she saw Theo was already waiting for Draco on his patio. Draco hopped out of the car and walked over to Hermione's side. She rolled down her window and leaned out to kiss him goodbye. Draco slid his hand into her hair and leaned down to kiss her back. Soon, the little kiss turned into a full-out snog. Theo yelled from his patio, "Disgusting!" and Hermione broke the kiss. Draco gave her one more peck, said goodbye, and walked over to the apartment.

Hermione drove home and decided to just have a relaxing day. Originally, she was going to accept the invitation from Harry and Pansy to go over to their apartment, but she didn't want to be a third wheel. She got out her book and settled in for the tiring day ahead.


Just when it was starting to get dark, Hermione got a text from Draco saying he was ready to be picked up. She drove back over to Theo's apartment but as she was pulling into the parking space from earlier she saw something. No...she couldn't have seen that right. But, there they were, clear as day; two figures kissing on the same patio where Theo was sitting earlier. One of the figures had long, brown hair and the other person had platinum blond hair. Platinum blond hair: the most distinctive type of hair. The type of hair that belongs to only a few people.

Draco Malfoy had platinum blonde hair.

Draco Malfoy is dating Hermione Granger.

Draco Malfoy is also currently cheating on Hermione Granger with Parvati Patil.

Hermione was shocked. She got out of the car and made sure to slam the door behind her. Hermione saw Draco jump away from Parvati and hurry over to herself, but it felt like it was all in slow motion. She faintly heard him start talking, trying to explain. "Hermione, it's not what it looks like. Please, Hermione, listen."

But Hermione wouldn't listen. She held up her hand and when he stopped, that's when the real fighting started. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! How could you? I trusted you! Why would you do this? Was I just not enough? I do blame myself. I was wary at first because I knew you were a playboy, but you were so good at acting like you loved me. I can't believe I actually thought you wanted to date me." Hermione burst into tears, but continued, "We were so happy, but I understand that was all a ruse to not be bored during quarantine. You didn't even break up with me, you just decided to move on. I have always thought that cheating on someone was one of the worst things to do, and you proved me right today. I was the only person near you, so you chose me. Well, guess what? I will not be your pawn for entertainment anymore. We are over, Malfoy, and I hope I never have to see you again."

Draco looked destroyed and started to speak, but Hermione would have none of it. She turned away from him and buried her face in her hands. Lies, lies, and more lies. She heard someone walk up by Draco. Parvati. Hermione had thought that Parvati and her were friends. Friends don't cheat with friends' boyfriends. Hermione didn't even turn back around when she heard Theo talking to Parvati. She heard him quietly telling Parvati and Draco to please leave because he "couldn't believe them". She buried her face in her hands again, but this time because she didn't want to see Draco looking at her with those beautiful silver eyes.

Even after she heard the roar of Parvati's Subaru leaving the parking lot, she kept her face hidden away. When Hermione felt strong arms hugging her, she opened her arms and hugged Theo back. They stayed locked in a friendly embrace for what felt like a lifetime just standing in the middle of a parking lot. When Hermione finally let go, she looked up at Theo to see his face devoid of tears. "Aren't you *hic* sad that *hic* Parvati cheated on you?" Hermione asked Theo while hiccupping from her sobbing.

"Well, I might have been if I hadn't been cheated on so many times. I've dated so many girls it's kind of something I expect at this point. I honestly don't think I'll ever actually find someone who I really love." Theo responded calmly while ushering Hermione into the apartment and onto a couch.

"Really? How could you give up finding someone you love that easily? I've dated a few boys before and none of them have felt like it felt with Dra-- Malfoy," Hermione finished, trying to stay strong.

"As I said before, I've dated a lot of girls and one or two boys and they still didn't feel right. I think there are people out there who don't have a soulmate, and I'm one of them."

They fell into a peaceful silence but the problem with no one talking, Hermione's mind began to wander to the one topic she didn't want to think about: Draco Malfoy.

Hermione couldn't believe that she had been happily in love with an amazing boyfriend only this morning. When she thought about how easily he threw her away, it made her sick to her stomach.

Theo broke the silence first. "If you would like, you could stay over at my place tonight in case Draco and Parvati went to your apartment. The couch pulls out into a bed."

"Thank you, Theo. This means a lot. If it's okay, I think I will take you up on that offer."

Theo got the couch set up and went to bed himself. Hermione laid there, looking at the ceiling. When she thought about the events of the day, she finally let herself cry silently, again.

Hi guys. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't worry things will get better ;) I've decided to do a question of the day so here it is. Also I'm doing to because I really want to know the answer to the second one since Halloween is my favorite holiday. I know I already asked but please please please comment. I am being goth for Halloween.

QOTD: Who is your favorite fictional character?

QOTD: If you are celebrating Halloween, what are you dressing up as?

Sorry I didn't update last weekend but I was painting my room.

-Ms. Scarlet

PS. Do you like this Witch Weekly cover. I made it myself from scratch. I also made a magazine cover for Twilight and Star Wars so if you would like to see those let me know.

 I also made a magazine cover for Twilight and Star Wars so if you would like to see those let me know

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