Paired Up

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Everyone looked at Granger when she stood up. She looked like she wanted to punch someone. Draco internally snickered and whispered to Theo, "This should be interesting."
Theo laughed at that and turned his attention back to Granger.

"This is not okay!" Granger spit out "What are we supposed to do without school? Are we still going to have virtual classes? What's going to happen to my education? This is the worst thing that could have happened!" She exclaimed, clear distraught in her voice.

When Granger finished her rant, McGonagall spoke up. "I'm sorry, Ms. Granger, but measures have to be taken to prevent Corona from spreading further. The professors are trying to figure out everything, but right now we will tell you your assignments through email. You may take your books home with you," McGonagall said.
Granger looked like she was going to protest again until McGonagall gave her a stern look and Granger closed her mouth. "I'm not finished yet. The professors have taken into consideration that some students might not have anywhere to go. We think we have come up with a good solution. If your parents don't want you to go home to them, or you don't want to go home, or they have passed away and you don't have anywhere to go, please come stand up here in front of the class," McGonagall explained.

Now, Draco still had parents and they would have been very pleased to see him at home again but he didn't particularly want to see his rich, overbearing, and biased parents for a while. So, Draco went to the front of the room. When he looked around at his fellow "orphans" he was surprised how many there were. Blaise's parents and sister had died in a car accident two years before and he didn't have any relatives left so he was up there. Then there was Theo whose dad was in the army and his mom left the house when he was 10 so he was another "orphan". Loony Lovegood was up there also but Draco didn't know anything about her except she was crazy. Potter was there because his parents were murdered when he was a baby and...well, yeah. Pansy Parkinson along with Parvati and Padma Patil were upfront also. There were a few others but the last person was none other than know-it-all Granger. Draco had never cared enough to find out about her past.

McGonagall clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention. "Ok, everyone here is the idea. Basically, we teachers will pair you up and then each pair will get one of the apartments near campus. You will not be permitted on campus, but you won't have to pay the regular fee. You will get the apartment 80% off."
While McGonagall kept talking, Draco turned her out and thought about what this meant. He could be paired up with someone awesome like Blaise and Theo, or he could get paired up with someone horrible like Loony and Potter. So, this could be a good thing or a bad thing.

"...I'll start pairing you up. The other professors thought we would do it randomly so pull a name out of this hat." McGonagall finished. Blaise went up to the hat first and pulled out a slip of paper, took one look at it, and a look of horror flitted across his face.

"WHAT? NO! I AM NOT STAYING WITH HER," Blaise aggressively pointed at Loony Lovegood.

"Mr. Zabini, please calm down, it will not be that bad!" McGonagall exclaimed, "Now both of you go to the office and get your assigned apartment." Draco felt kind of bad for Blaise but mostly relieved it hadn't been him.

Draco was called up next to pull a name out of the hat. He slowly walked over to McGonagall and reached into the hat. There, on that one tiny little paper, was a name he never thought he would see in a million years.


Cliffhanger Dun Dun Duuuuun
Excuse my cringy self. Please comment and Vote and recommend fanfiction
-Ms. Scarlet

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