Birthday Pt. 1

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Draco was peacefully sleeping when he was awakened suddenly by blaring music coming from the living room. He groggily sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. The door burst open to reveal Blaise and Theo. "You aren't allowed out there yet," Theo hurriedly explained while he locked the door behind himself.

"What? Why? It's my apartment!" Draco exclaimed. "How did you get into my house in the first place?"

"Hermione let us in. Luna, Parvati, Harry, and Pansy are also here," Blaise answered.

"Aren't we supposed to be in quarantine?"

"Yep, but we decided to break the rules for you," Blaise said. This only confused Draco more.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked in confusion. Theo and Blaise exchanged a look and started laughing. "What? What are you guys laughing about?"

"I can't believe he forgot," Blaise groaned and started digging in his pockets.

Theo held out his hand and Blaise handed him a twenty-dollar bill. "What the heck guys? You were betting on me forgetting something?" Draco said, still confused, "Please just explain."

"Okay, so basically it is your birthday today and-" Blaise started.

"Wait, today's my birthday? How did it sneak up on me so fast?" Draco interrupted.

"I don't know and I don't care," Blaise said exasperated. "Now may I continue?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"So, yesterday when you thought that Hermione went to go get groceries she was actually going to Pansy and Harry's apartment. We all went over and planned your birthday party, but we haven't finished decorating so you can't see it yet." Blaise continued.

At that moment there was a knock on Draco's bedroom door. Theo unlocked the door and let Hermione in. She whispered something in Blaise's ear while standing on her tippy-toes since he was 6'2''. Draco felt something almost (keyword almost) like jealousy, but he quickly brushed it off. She then nodded to Theo and Draco and left. "What about the bet?" Draco asked to prompt Blaise to continue the story.

"Yesterday, after we were basically done planning, Theo bet me that you had forgotten your birthday was today, which turns out you did. Hermione also wanted to join the bet and she sided with Theo, so I also owe her twenty bucks," Blaise finished. "Now, if you will excuse me I need to check on preparations and give Hermione her money." He left and closed the door behind himself.

"Well, good job on winning the bet," Draco congratulated Theo while laughing. "I can't believe you guys bet on me."

"You know we can't pass up a good chance to make a bet," Theo answered.


One hour later Harry finally showed up to free Draco from his own personal jail. During that time Draco had managed to fall asleep and was again unpleasantly awakened to vigorous shaking. Only once he was in the living room did he appreciate the wait. It was awesome. The entire apartment was set up like a club with lights, food, and booze everywhere. It was time to party!

Um......I don't really have anything to say. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I have to go clean my dad's car so thx for reading.

-Ms. Scarlet

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