two lines

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after i fell asleep that night i woke up extra late. class was already half way done and i stood up and immediately tumbled over. i forgot about last night.

i quickly got dressed and rode my bike to class my legs aching. i chained up my bike and ran inside and quickly got into my seat.

"wow you're very late" he chuckled and i sighed.

"i was up really late last night" i said and he nodded and i looked at michelle.

"alright anyways.. i have a quick video to show you of an example of the math problem" he said plugging in his camera and pulling a white board thing down.

he started the video and all i heard was clapping noises. what?

"shit! my loads coming rach!" is the next thing i heard and the whole class bursted out laughing. i looked at roger who was trying to get the tape to stop but i saw him shaking and you could tell he was just scared and he didn't even realize what was happening.

"nice body!" i heard some guy shout from the back and i looked at them angrily and they just kept laughing.

i put my head down on my desk and sighed.

"wow what a giant cock!" kate said laughing and i looked at her and she immediately stopped laughing and i smiled at her.

i looked at roger who still couldn't figure it out. this new video thing was very new to everyone.

"fuck! rachie! mm!" i heard and i looked at roger and then looked at the video. roger was dropping the camera and messing with it and it was shocking how he didn't figure it out yet.

next thing you know the camera was showing me squirting and everyone wasn't even laughing anymore. all the guys were staring at me and the girls were all whispering. the video ended and i looked at roger and smiled at him warmly and mouthed 'it's okay baby' and he smiled at me.

"sorry about that.." he said acting like nothing happened.

"rachel! show us your tits!" some guy shouted and i looked at him then looked at roger.

"detention" he said to the guy "but i was-" the guy went on. "no excuses" roger said and i smiled at him.

i just wanted this class to be over because i really needed to talk to him.

"detention with the principal though because i don't want your dumbass in my room for more time then usual" roger said and everyone said their 'ooo's and ahh's' and roger just went on teaching.

after the class was over i decided to run out instead on talking to him. i ran to the closest pharmacy and walked to an aisle with pregnancy tests. i sighed and grabbed one off the shelf and looked at it.

i walked over to the counter and set it down.

"just this?" the man asked and i nodded.

"aren't you a bit young to buy this?" he asked and i shrugged.

"i don't know" i said holding out the money.

"oh wait i said leaning down and grabbing a lollipop from a small shelf and putting on the counter. "this too" i said and he scanned it and i paid for it then i walked to the back of the shop and went into he bathroom and opened it.

i was shaking a bit and i got one of the two tests out and took it. it said i had to wait five minutes for the results.

this was the longest five minutes of my life.

but after the time passed i looked at it. two lines. i looked at the box and the box said two lines meant positive. i teared up and i looked at the test for about 20 minutes just crying.

then i decided to try the other one just in case. so i took the other test and the same results. two lines.

i banged my head on the wall and i kept on crying. i didn't even know who the father was. roger only came in me twice and honestly it's most logical he's the dad but it could be those other men too.. the security guard and noah.

but i slept with roger about two weeks ago and i started feeling sick two weeks after which is usually the case. right?

i put the tests in my bag and ran to rogers room and pounded on the door.

he opened the door.

"what the fuck?! why so loud!?" he asked and i shoved my way inside and i sat on the couch.

"roger sit down" i said and he walked over to me and sat next to me.

"yes?" he asked and i looked at my bag and opened it slowly.

i took both of the tests out and gave them to him. he looked at them confused so i gave him the box too.

after about 10 seconds he gasped and screamed.

"what?! you're not! what!? holy shit!" he shouted and i jumped. i couldn't tell if he was happy or upset.

"i'm sorry.." i said and he hugged me tightly stoking my hair.

"rachel i love you so much" he said and i sighed.

"i love you too.." i said and i kissed his chest gently.

"we can get through this together okay?" he said and i nodded.

"what are you thinking of doing with the baby?" he said and i shrugged.

"well um.. i want to keep it kind of.." i said and he nodded.

"alright beautiful" he said pecking my lips and i smiled a little.

i laid down and sighed quietly. he stroked my hair gently.

"i cant believe i have a baby growing inside of me now" i said and roger nodded.

"i'm going to be a daddy" he said giggling. "you already are a daddy" i said winking and he chuckled.

i put my hand on my stomach and he watched me then put his hand over mine.

"is the baby mine?" he said and i shrugged a little.

"i'm pretty sure you're the father" i said and he nodded.

"even if it's not mine i'll still take care of the baby okay? i'll be here for you" he said and i started blushing and he smiled. i shut my eyes and he smiled.

"i need sleep" i said slowly drifting off and falling asleep on his lap.


word count - 1084

oooohhhhh teaaaaaa

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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