Chapter 22: Hermiowney

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Hermione POV:

I was in a rotten mood.

News that we really would be spending our last night in the Golden Suite shot through me like an arrow; it wasn't so much the disappointment of failing the trial, it was knowing that I would have to return to the Gryffindor Common Room and see Ron every day. I wasn't looking forwards to the prospect.

"Hey, hey, come over here," Annabeth beckoned me over the hubbub of the room. She embraced me in a soft hug. "Look, I know what you're thinking. Perhaps I can talk to Mr Brunner and Mr D – I'm sure they'll be more than happy to have you stay on the Argo. I don't want to leave you alone with Ron."

To be honest, I was overjoyed. Knowing that Annabeth cared about me so much – knowing that I was the first thing she thought of after the news, knowing that she wanted me to stay with her instead of Ron – was more than I could have ever expected of a friend. I beamed at her, over the moon, forgetting about my failure and determined to enjoy the evening.

A few minutes later I was on the Argo with the rest of my friends from Goode asking Katie Gardner to join me at the party. The two of us got on so well, and despite the fact that I really just wanted everyone from Goode at the party, choosing Katie was a no-brainer.

I was in such a good mood that evening that nothing could have shaken it; not even the fact that Percy and Annabeth disappeared, or that Ron had been invited to the party. He entered the room with Draco, made a beeline for Harry (who had been talking with Chris, Katie and I) and took him away from me without another word. I didn't mind, though, because I had good people to keep me company. I also consoled myself in the fact that Ron looked miserable, whereas I was in my element.

"I'm going to get a drink – would you like anything?" Katie asked.

"Whatever you're having," I replied. I watched her walk off into the crowd.

"Can I say, you are looking very pretty tonight, as you alvays do," Krum approached me suddenly. I blushed, unsure of what to say.

"I'm, uh, going to leave... have fun," Chris left before I could object.

"Oh, um, sorry about him," I mumbled shyly.

"It is no problem, I am happy it is just the two of us," Krum smiled handsomely and offered me a drink. I took it gratefully. It was hard to deny that Krum was an attractive young man; in his best suit and trimmed beard he looked a perfect mixture of elegant and rugged. He held himself tall, spoke confidently and looked at me with such intense eyes it was hard to look away. His face wasn't perfect – it showed scars of past fights and his nose was broken – but in a way it made him more human.

Before I could reply, Jason Grace appeared to my left.

"Hey, how are you guys?" He asked, always polite. Standing next to Krum, I couldn't help but compare the two. Where Krum was rugged and dark, Jason was perfect and light. Not a single hair out of place, not a single muscle un-defined, and his shocking eyes were inviting and friendly. The only imperfection to his perfect features was the white scar on his lip, which Annabeth had explained was the outcome of a stapler incident. He towered over Krum and I as he offered me a drink, which I politely refused.

"Shame, isn't it?" Jason remarked, ignoring Krum's glare. "About the competition. But at least we have tonight – I only wish I had spent more time with you when I had the chance."

He looked directly at me when he said it.

"Yes, I suppose," Krum answered. "But as I vas about to say to Hermiowney, it vas a stupid competition anyvay. If Hermiowney couldn't vin, then no should vin."

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