Chapter 25: An Argument

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Hermione POV: 

I really needed that party, especially after the rotten day I had just had.

I was walking past the Great Hall with Ginny, excited at the idea that the two of us would spend the morning together shopping for revision supplies in Hogsmeade, when he appeared. He strolled out of the Great Hall as if right on queue.

"There she is, the Whore of Hogwarts - that's what they're calling you nowadays, isn't it?" His voice hit me like a slap to the face. I couldn't help it, I stopped in my tracks. Ron stared at me with malice in his eyes.

"Ron!" Ginny screamed. "How dare you!"

"Don't mind him, Ginny, he's just being bitter," I grumbled, taking her arm and attempting to walk away. I forced myself not to let his words affect me.

"You know my Mum sent an owl!" He called out after us, speeding up his paces so that he wouldn't lose us. "She said she was sad to hear about us - sad that I had left you, she says. I told her not to worry, seeing as you're sleeping with half the boys in that Golden Suite of yours - I'm sure you've got all the company you need."

I swivelled around in my tracks to face him, breathing heavily with rage.

"You disgusting pi-" Ginny began.

"Leave us, Gin," I ordered. She stared at me with worried eyes. "Don't worry, I'll catch up to you."

She left my side hesitantly, not before shaking her head at Ron.

"You're horrible, you know that?" I heaved through gritted teeth. He smirked down at me as if amused. "How could you say something like that, especially in front of your sister?"

He shrugged casually. "Just relaying the facts, is all. It's no secret you're getting cosy with that Jason Grace fella, as well as Viktor Krum. Honestly, Hermione, I can't understand what they see in you but at least you're making them happy. Who's next on the list?"

I held both my hands behind my back, scared I would slap him.

"Well what you've heard is utter bullshit, but so what if it were true? Why should you care; last I heard, you didn't take long to get with Lavender."

He smiled proudly. "Glad you mentioned her, I was just about to say how happy we are together. Actually, maybe you should see-"

I shook my head and marched off in the opposite direction, hoping that'd be the last of it. I had made it out of the castle and passed the Forbidden Forest when he apparated next to me.

"You – You're pathetic, you know that?" I seethed. "Just do us both a favour and leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you."

"Well, that's not very nice, is it? Didn't Ginny tell you that she just wants us to be friends again? I don't think I can be friends with you if you-"

"Friends? Friends! You.... You idiot! How can we be friends if you treat me like this?" I motioned at the space between us, searching for words. I had to turn away from his cocky grin, unrecognizable to the smile I had once known and loved. "You... you've destroyed us! Can't you see that? I can't be friends with you if you treat me like shit every time we see each other. What, what did you expect? Were you waiting for me to pass the Great Hall today? Were you waiting to see me so you could call me a whore? What was the plan?"

"Hey, listen up..." he reached out slowly and grabbed my arm. I slapped his hand away, trying to turn again but he grabbed me with the other hand. I tried to escape but the next thing I knew we had apparated, appearing in the room we had once shared many nights in, just the two of us; our secret hideout.

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