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Dear Diary,
So, Satori asked me out to watch Gotg and I... HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT TO WEAR-

Y/N knew her "movie date" was on 3pm, but right now it's 12 am and she's already all over the place searching for something to wear.

"Ughhh what in God should I wearr?"
The girl scratched her head as she looked around her now messed up bedroom filled with all her clothes.

Y/N usually doesn't mind wearing anything to go out. Heck, she once go out in her pajamas to buy food.

But this time, she's going out with her newfound lover slash best friend. She has to look decent at least.

1.00 PM

"Ok, Now I'm desperate."
Her desperate self was laying on her bed frustrated, then she saw her phone.


From: Satori
Hey Y/N! Change of plans, I'm picking you up earlyyyy. Turns out the movie starts at 3pm and I guess I'll pick you up at 2 then!

PS. I'm totallyy not picking you up an hour earlier just to see you UwU

Y/N flopped back on her bed, head empty and frustrated but she can't get the blush on her face away.

1.30 PM


Y/N banged her head on her desk as she gave up. She gave up and decided to just go to the shower and clean herself first.

2.00 PM

While the girl was still in her shower, she lost track of time and realized that Satori was already in front of her house.

"Coming! Coming!"

She screamed across the house to prevent her boyfriend from knocking even harder at the door. She ran her way to the front door to open it.

She nearly screamed to him by how nervous she is. Tendou looked top to bottom then she realized she was still in her pajamas.

The boy looked back up at her eyes and smiled playfully,
"I know you're not the type to dress up much buuut I'm not expecting you to wear your pajamas."

The oblivious female was so caught up on what to wear she eventually lost track of time. She looked at herself top to bottom and scratched her head out of embarrassment.

The red-head chuckled.
"I don't think wearing something this revealing would be good for our date, as much as I like it, I'd hate to see other boys checking out my pretty Lovebird."

The girl just groaned out of embarrassment with a hint of laughter as she let him in.

"Sorry, I just.. didn't know what to wear.."

When she admitted to him, he perked his head to the side as curiosity was seen in his eyes.

"I just... I didn't know how I would look good for you.."

This made the boy blush furiously.
"I just wanted this to be, you know, fun, and now I just completely ruined it all cause I didn't know what to wear."
The girl leaned back on the wall arms crossed.

D A M A G E D      F I N G E R S (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now