Chapter One

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Usually I loved my classes. They were a break from the social pressures of college which, frankly, had taken a rise since I started dating the popular son of the football coach. However, today when I found my eyes drawn to the clock on the wall just above Miss Capedem's head, I found myself unable to focus. It was as though the second hand was moving clockwise around the face deliberately slowly, like a slug...or a snail. I caught a snail currently sliding along past my window sill. It was doing so well up until the point of which it fell off, which rendered a gasp from me, and caused Miss Capedem to look my way.

"Antonia, could you please tell me which psychologist first described the operant conditioning model?" she asked me.

Crap. I had forgotten to do my psychology homework again. Now, I was in trouble.

"Uh..." I scratched my head a little, as I thought on it.

"I'll need an answer today, Miss Bennett," she replied nonchalantly.

"Skinner?" I asked then.

Miss Capedem smiled, which made me considerably less anxious about getting the answer wrong.

"Fantastic, Antonia. You should have confidence in your answers," she told me.

When he attention was no longer on me, my thoughts dwindled back to considering the break I was going to have with my boyfriend soon enough. It would be perfect. I mean, we hadn't been dating long, only a few months, but I already knew he was the one. What could possibly get in the way of that? I never even considered that a guy as popular and dreamy as him would notice me, but here we were. Only ten minutes of class to go, and then I would finally get to see him again. Well, at least see him and speak to him. He did sort of go to the sane classes as me, and I caught his gaze momentarily, which cause him to smile at me with that charming half-smile he always had.

Bearing that in mind, I began to get to work on frantically catching up with the notes I had missed, since staring out of the window lost in my thoughts. Note to self: remember to do the homework tonight. I wasn't going to just talk my way into my dream university in Canterbury, as much as I may have wanted to.

Besides, I really needed to work on my people skills if I was ever going to be able to do that.

Soon enough, the bell rang out signalling the end of class.

I stepped out of the room, with my bag all packed. At least, I hoped it was. I had a tendency to keep losing my highlighters.

I headed outside into the sunshine, and just embraced it briefly. I was sure that my boyfriend would probably join me soon enough. After all, we had to get to the cafeteria within mere moments if we were going to skip the queue for cheesy chips.

I soon felt arms around my waist, and turned my attention to my boyfriend, otherwise known as the great Jase Ashers. As stated previously, he was the most popular guy around, and captain of the football team.

"Hungry?" he asked me.

I simply nodded in agreement.

Jase smirked, and soon enough the two of us were heading off to the cafeteria. In moments, I would have chips. Thank goodness.

I caught sight of some of Jase's friends, and they smiled and waved to the both of us. It was always nice to feel welcomed by them.

Unfortunately they would have class soon enough, and so most of them began to filter out of the cafeteria. I was sure that I would probably see them again, soon enough, though.

After we had purchased our chips, we went to sit down together.

"So, I wrote you up some notes," Jase told me, then.

I always knew I could depend on him to do that. Contrary to popular belief, Jase was a total nerd. He wouldn't want me telling you that, though.

"You're always so reliable," I replied, with a smile.

It was true. Jase was reliable and trustworthy, too.

"Okay sister wanted me to ask you what your star sign is," Jase told me, after  a moment, and I found myself smirking in my gentle amusement.

"I'm an Aquarius, just like you," I told him.

Jase gave a nod.

"She will probably add that to her astrology notebook," Jase stated.

I rolled my eyes at that one. However, I couldn't lie and say that I thought astrology was a load of rubbish. I actually was quite interested in horoscopes from time to time.

"So, Tonia, I needed to talk to you about something," he told me, then, causing me to look towards him expectantly.

"Oh! Are you going to tell her the news?" Jase's best friend, Eric Pines, asked, as he sat down with the two of us.

The bell the  rang again, so we wandered out into what was now becoming an overcast day, before Jase answered his question.

"Yeah. So, Antonia, my best friend forever will be joining this school again soon enough," he informed me, then.

"So exciting!" Eric stated.

"Eric Liam Pines, let me finish," Jase stated, causing Eric to just smirk my way, and I naturally caught his expression.

"Okay, that's cool," I said, though I had to admit I did feel a little nervous about this. That feeling just came naturally, when it came to meeting new people. 

"I'm sure she will be looking forward to meeting you, too," Jase told me.

I knew that my heart shouldn't have panged at the mention of a female friend. However, I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of competition. After all, this wasn't  just anyone - this was Jase's BFF. This was a serious deal.

"Let's head towards the basketball court!" Eric suggested, and Jase just nodded.

"Are you okay, Tonia?" he asked me.

I managed a subtle nod of my head, but swallowed down my nervousness all the same.

"We won't stay long. We need to go to the library. I do have to say that I admire your ability to forget your homework four days in a row," Eric joked, with a wink.

It distracted my thoughts momentarily, but I had to admit that I was still pretty anxious to meet Jase's BFF, but what could it possibly change? Right. I had no reason to worry, not really.

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