Chapter Fourteen

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It was safe to say that Jase and I didn't speak for a long while after that. 

I knew that break ups were never easy, but at least my parents had been considerate enough to make sure that the fridge was fully stocked with Ben & Jerry's. It was a must have in this circumstances, I believed. 

The thing was, I just hadn't expected a break up with Jase would have meant that Brooke and I would have stopped talking as much, too. I knew that she had been busily studying away as much as I had, but recently it had felt as though we had barely gotten an opportunity to talk to one another. 

"Damn it," I sighed, as I thought on everything that had happened, 

Some people in the library looked towards me with interest, but I just narrowed my eyes at them. It really wasn't any of their beeswax what I was thinking about or going through. I just had hoped that it wouldn't last forever. 

My heart ached but I knew that I just had to keep reminding myself that I deserved better.  

I had always been a pretty optimistic person, and things ending with Jase didn't mean that my life was over. I was sure that I had a lot to look forward to- graduating, for one thing. 

As I sat in the library, I decided to write out a letter for Amelia (my friend who was currently travelling). 

I had often been told by school counselors that it could help to just write your thoughts down, sometimes. It would allow me to 'let go' of them. At least, I could hope that would happen. At the very least, I knew that it would make them easier to deal with. My head was a mess of worries and contemplation, and I just needed to settle myself down. 

Jase and I weren't talking, which meant that I would have time, now, to focus on myself. Besides, my classes were more important than petty teenage drama. I wasn't about to go and lynch mob Sara, as much as Brooke may have recommended me to do so when Jase and I first broke up. 

Brooke hadn't been talking much to Jase, either. Even though they had been best friends for a long time, I knew that Brooke also felt utterly betrayed by what Jase had done, and I couldn't exactly blame her for that. 

The bell soon rang to signal the end of the college day, and so I briskly left the building in order to head out to my mother's car. 

She was now on holiday leave from work, which meant that she had plenty of time to listen to me gossiping about everything that had happened. 

"How are you doing, honey?" she asked me. 

"I got some work done. Then, I just decided to write down all of my feelings. It did help. Kinda," I told her. 

She nodded in understanding at that. 

"Well, hey, you know I'm here for you," she said, as she began to drive on home, flicking on the radio as she did so. 

The music was good background sound for my thoughts, and somewhat distracted me from another weird day. 

It was getting easier, now. However, when Jase and I had first broken up, I felt a little like a lost puppy. He was the popular guy, and most of my friends were also his. I felt a little clueless as to who to talk to, and with Brooke M.I.A. too, it certainly hadn't been the easiest of times. 

Fortunately, I had soon found things to occupy my mind with, like studying and writing. 

I had begun to sink myself back into old hobbies, again, which was kind of like returning home. It felt good. I learnt to find the light in the darkness- the positive in the negative. I just needed to remind myself to smile. 

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