Chapter Four

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The last week of February brought with it the beginning of the end of winter, which I was certainly thankful for. It would mean that I wouldn't have to dress from head to toe in multiple layers, which quite frankly was brilliant when you were outdoors, but as soon as you were inside you felt as though you may suffocate from the heat. 

At present, I was feeling sort of like this, given that I was dressed in a soft white sweater, which made me feel like a human marshmallow. At least Jase had told me I looked cute, I could always depend on him for the compliments. I gently fiddled with my braided hair, while I listened intently to all that Miss Capedem was talking about. We had recently been studying attachment, and I thought this was a topic that I was fairly well-versed in. It had helped that I had Jase and Brooke to compare notes with, too, of course. However, I was pretty proud of myself for actually successfully completing my homework several nights in a row, now. I supposed I hadn't been as focused on talking to Jase as much as usual. Brooke, who always appeared to put a tremendous amount of effort into her work, since she had arrived at the school, had done a lot to inspire me. 

I was glad that Brooke and I were getting along. I just wished that the same could be said for Sara and I...Brooke and Sara were also an entirely separate issue. I supposed that I had this want for peace between people, but for one reason or another Sara was simply set in her ways of seeming to not like me very much at all. I didn't know exactly what I had done, besides dating one of her close guy friends. 

Before Jase and I had even started dating, Sara had never seemed the type to get jealous, but I supposed that all people changed with time. Jase and I had been dating for around three months, now, and reached that anniversary on February 25th. Despite that, Sara's feelings for me hadn't seemed to shift. She still seemed to possess a disliking for me. Oh well, I thought to myself momentarily, you truly can't please everyone. At least I had the spring to look forward to. Aside from that, I knew that Jase and his guy friends, otherwise known as his football team 'brothers' were organizing a camping trip. 

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go with them, but that was a matter I was simply going to have to discuss with Jase.

 I watched as a cute little red-bellied robin fluttered past my window, and forced myself to focus back on the paper in front of me. 

I had written a paragraph, which really didn't look great for me. 

I exhaled in an attempt to focus my mind, and then returned to writing for the remaining fifteen minutes of our lesson. 

Soon enough, it came time to pack our notebooks back into our bags and leave the classroom, which I did swiftly. I knew that Jase and I had planned to hang out together after class. However, he seemed to have a slightly apologetic expression on his face, when he walked over to me. 

"Let me guess, you have football training?" I asked him, then. 

He just gave a nod of his head. 

"I'm sorry, Tonia, but look on the brightside- you have Brooke to hang out with!" he told me, and I met Brooke's turquoise briefly, to find that she was smiling at me. When she looked towards, Jase, though, I couldn't exactly say that she appeared all that impressed with him. I couldn't blame her for that, as Jase was sort of leaving the two of us in the lurch. 

I would just have to ask him about the camping trip later. 

"Okay, I'll see you later," I told him. 

"See you then," he replied, and then headed off. 

I turned to Brooke then, and she just gave a dismissive wave of her hand. 

"Forget about him, we're going to have so much fun!" she said enthusiastically, "Let's go get some food!" 

I just smiled, feeling a little overwhelmed by how quickly Brooke's long legs allowed her to move down the corridor, but I quickly fell into step beside her after a short while. 

Soon enough, we arrived at the cafeteria, which provided Brooke with ample opportunity to purchase herself some snack items- a toffee muffin and an apple. 

We walked over to a free table, and swiftly sat ourselves down, before anyone else could take those seats.  

"You know, I really do admire you putting up with Jase at times. He can be hard work," she stated, then. 

I exhaled. 

"It's not that bad...I mean, I just miss him when he heads off to train. It can just feel like all of his attention is consumed by football, at times," I told her. 

Brooke sighed. 

"Yeah, tell me about it," she replied. 

"So, it's started to rain," Jase said then, as he sat down next to us, and Brooke side-eyed me, with a smirk. Yeah, I supposed we were going to have to gloss over the whole matter of us just talking about him. 

"Does this mean you're going to put off training for a day?" I asked him. 

Jase gave me a warm look, at my question, and took my hands in his across the table.

"I promise you, babe, you now have all of my attention," he assured me. 

Why did I not feel too optimistic about that matter? 

 Regardless, my heart did begin to flutter, as Jase's toned hands held my own, and he gently caressed the skin of my palms. His hair was slightly disheveled from the rain, but that just aided his attractiveness. He really had won the genetic lottery, it seemed, and I would have been jealous, had I not had more important matters to focus on. 

"You two are so cute- it's actually disgusting," Brooke stated. 

I just looked towards her and smirked. 

"I mean, by all means continue, I'll just go and find somewhere to be alone with my muffin and apple," she joked. 

Jase rolled his eyes. 

"You know I'm glad to have you back around, Brooke," he told her, then. 

"Sure," Brooke replied. 

I knew that I had to keep an open-mind about Jase's whole training scheme. He was going to be busy until his game in the spring, and I would just have to deal with that. At least I would have Brooke to hang out with, during the times that he would be away for. 

"You're always so understanding, Tonia. Thank you for that," Jase told me. 

"It's just what I do," I replied. 

"Hey, you look really beautiful today," he told me, and I felt my cheeks blush a little. 

"Excuse me, Jase, she looks great every day," Brooke corrected him, the corner of her lips twitching up a little at her compliment. 

That just seemed to make the butterflies in my stomach dance around even more. I didn't really have a clue why, though. I just shrugged that thought away, for now. 

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