Chapter Fifteen

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I spent the morning packing up for the camping trip, with one clear goal in mind. I needed to sort out things with Brooke. I wasn't sure how long it would take, or how exactly I was even going to accomplish that. However, I knew what I needed to do, and I needed to do it soon. I didn't want to be at odds with her anymore. We were supposed to be allies during all of this. Jase had upset the both of us. He had broken my heart, sure, but he had also betrayed Brooke's trust, too. They had been best friends for a very long time, and I doubted that she even had an inkling that something like this was going to happen. 

I sighed at the thought of it all. I really wished that things could just be okay, again. Sure, maybe I wouldn't ever go back to being with Jase, but there was a part of me that wished we could be civil again. Perhaps I was just being stupid for thinking that way, though. Maybe I was supposed to hate him. For some reason, though, I simply couldn't. Yes, Jase had messed up. Big time. However, he had still been my boyfriend at one point. He had been my friend, for a long time, before then. There was always going to be this part of me that cared about him. That part of me, unfortunately, wasn't going to just be switched off over night. So, I was simply going to have to get used to Jase not being around all that much anymore, one way or another. 

On the bright side, he was no longer coming on the camping trip. After serious irritating Brooke, she had decided to make his status uninvited. Brooke had told me that she would be picking me up soon enough. We were still talking after our little argument, but I didn't have a clue how long that was going to last for. Much like Jase, Brooke could be unpredictable at times. I supposed that was just a factor that made me want to get to know her better, though, in all honesty. I grabbed a hold of my luggage bag, and began to head downstairs with it, knowing that it wouldn't be too long until Brooke arrived to pick me up, now. I just had to remind myself to be cool. 

"I'll see you in a week, scrub," Mikael told me, as he met me in the hall. 

"See you then,"  I said, and called out a farewell to my parents. 

I then walked out towards Brooke's car, after observing her park outside. 

She unlocked the car door for me, which I was thankful for. Fortunately, she had her air conditioning on full power inside the car. Outside, I felt as though I was going to burn up like logs on a bonfire. 

"Hey Bennett," Brooke greeted me. 

I presumed that I still had some work to do here, as she had just used my last name in greeting again. I would get to it. Eventually. 

"Hey Brooke," I replied. 

I turned to see her looking out at the road ahead, but she had a half-smile on her face. 

It lasted only a couple of moments, before turning back to a serious expression. It was still something, though. 

"I like your little Hawaiian dancer," I told her, complimenting her on the little bobble head dancing away on top of the dashboard. 

"Thank you. It was a present for my nineteenth," she informed me. 

I smiled at that. 

I felt quite small sat in the car, honestly. 

Even sitting, Brooke was still a lot taller than me. 

With the sun shade down, the sun's beams were still partially gleaming into my eyes. 

I turned my attention to the world outside in order to forget about it. 

It was fortuitous that the car journey to the camping district didn't take too long. 

Once we were there, I helped Brooke carry her tent out onto the field. 

"Did you bring a tent?" she asked me. 

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