Chapter Nine

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The next time I was back at school, Brooke had returned, too. I would have to wait a short while to see her, though, as I had made the decision to get started on some work. As much as Jase may have missed me, I knew that he was going to be fairly busy, too. He had to practice with his football team. The two of us would see each other soon enough, though. 

It was only the human condition to miss the people that we cared about though, after all. I strode over to one of the main English classics bookshelves, and began to take a few from the Austen section. We would be focusing on her works next, and I wanted to get a head start this time around. I had spent far too long procrastinating. No more, I thought decisively. I supposed that you could say that Brooke had inspired me to make a little more effort in my classes. It would be especially impressive to my future employers if I had good grades, too, so I wanted to try my best to attain those. 

I sat down at a desk not too far from the shelves I had just been searching, and ran a hand through my soft hair, as I got started on reading the materials for the day. I knew that I couldn't be too optimistic about my grades. I had only ever been an average B student across the board, but that didn't mean that I wasn't going to try. My father, Pedro, had always encouraged me to keep an open mind. He had tried to remind me that I was more capable than I initially thought. He had done this all throughout my primary and secondary school days, anyway, so why would that remotely change once I moved on up to college? I was incredibly thankful to my dad. He had always been supportive of me. 

I returned my focus to the book in front of me. The sooner I finished up reading for the day, the sooner I would be able to go and see Brooke. Now, I wasn't entirely sure why I wanted to see her so much, but she was a great friend, and I supposed it had been quite a while since I had last spoken to her. It would be nice to catch up on everything that I had missed, since she had been away. 

I wasn't alone in the library for long before Jase entered the library, to sit down opposite me. He appeared to have a look of irritation upon his face. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. 

"How have we evolved for years for people like Zach Peters to still exist?" Jase asked, then. 

I just met him with a sympathetic expression. 

"What's up with him?" I inquired. 

"He's a total neanderthal," Jase replied. 

I wasn't about to ask more on the subject. I didn't like to pry. Besides, Jase looked as though he could do with having his mind taken off of the subject. 

"Hey, don't even think about him. Just think about the things you have that make you your six pack," I reminded him, then. 

Jase smiled at the thought of it. 

"You're right. That is pretty great," he replied, as he pat a hand against his stomach, a few times, probably just to make sure that he still had that definition of his. 

I just smirked in my response to that. I knew that a few guys and girls had swooned over Jase's body, but that was only part of what made him so great. At least, I had thought that he was great. Admittedly, he had been a little distant recently, but I just assumed that matter was because he had been so busy with football practice. 

"Shoot. How's studying going? I'm not distracting you, am I?" Jase asked, as a glimmer of playfulness danced in his eyes. 

"No, you're not. I've just been doing some reading. I almost finished my assignment over the weekend, and would have done had the internet not decided to say sayonara," I stated, with a grumble. 

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