Chapter Twenty-Five

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Towards the end of the summer, my friends and I had scheduled a meetup again. I knew that soon enough several of them would be moving away to university. In the meantime, Brooke and I had both secured part-time jobs, so that we could save up a little money for our gap year, which we had decided we would spend together. I couldn't think of a better way to spend it. I just loved being around Brooke, and it made me happy that I was going to get an amazing opportunity to, especially now that she was my girlfriend, too.

I noticed that it was raining again, but I supposed that much could be expected in England. The weather was unpredictable, always. I didn't really mind it, though. If anything, the rain created nice sounds against the windows of my room. I just looked outside and hoped that the sun would come out again, soon, though. I knew that my friends were planning on all of us taking a walk, and that wouldn't be the easiest of tasks, if there was a torrential downpour. Either way, it would just be nice to see all of them again before they went off to university. 

"How are you doing, Antonia?" my father asked me, as he joined me in my room. 

"I'm okay, dad," I replied. 

"Are you sure you still want to defer your university place?" he asked. 

"Why? Want to get rid of me that much, huh?" I teased. 

He gave a gentle shake of his head at my question. 

"No. I think your brother wants your room, though," he told me. 

I couldn't help but smirk  at that. 

"Well, we'll see," I said, in response to the whole brother wanting my room deal. 

I supposed it would make more sense for my brother to have my room, when I moved away. He was growing rapidly and his room wasn't that big for him anymore. In the meantime, I felt as though I would be destined to a life of being 5'2, but I was getting used to it. 

I wasn't sure what Brooke was planning on doing for living arrangements, when we went away to university, but I was keeping an open-mind to the idea of the two of us living together. All in all, I was pretty excited for the future and what it would bring with it. I just hoped that the peace that currently existed within my group of friends would remain. I was keeping an open mind to my future, but I just hoped that they would be a part of it. 

They really were wonderful people, and they had all helped me out in finding myself, too. Brooke more so than the others, but they had accepted me and made me realise that I could love girls, too, and that this was okay. 

I hadn't told Brooke of my feelings for her yet. At least, I hadn't mentioned the full extent of them. However, I was planning on it. 

For the most part, when I hadn't been spending time with Brooke, I had been helping out my parents, writing a little more, and photographing, too. 

There was soon a knock upon the front door. 

"That's probably Jase," I said and hurried down the stairs to answer the door for him. Sure enough, Jase was stood outside smiling back at me. 

"Hey," I greeted him. 

"Hi Antonia," he said. 

It looked as though the rain was easing up on this temperate day. 

"You ready to go?" he asked me. 

I quickly grabbed a grey hoodie, and then nodded my head.

I stepped out of my house, and walked alongside Jase. 

"Have you grown, Asher?" I asked him, with a subtle smirk of amusement, as my eyes scanned over him. 

"Oh yeah, I'm like 6'2 now," he said, "I'll probably join a basketball team, soon enough," he joked. 

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