Chapter Twenty

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Brooke had managed to work up the courage, eventually. She texted me to let me know that she had told her father over dinner. He had actually been okay with it, and she wondered why she had been so scared, but I was sure she felt relieved, now. I, on the other hand, had not yet worked up the courage to tell my parents about Brooke. Well, I hadn't worked up the courage to tell them, but I had also not had the opportunity to do so given how busy the both of them currently were. I had thought to tell Mikael, and I probably would, eventually. He had a lot going on, at present, though. He was still working on studying for his final exam of the academic year, and he was making sure to keep up with his girlfriend, Beth, too. I would tell them all soon, though. It was just going to have to take place after graduation. I was currently sitting in the auditorium between Jase and Brooke. The hall was pretty crowded, so it felt warm. I was sure that some of that warmth came from the nerves I felt at the fact that we were about to receive our leavers speech.

Caroline Capedem, my psychology teacher who was going to soon become the headteacher of the college, stood up on the stage, then. 

"Welcome everyone. I just wanted to congratulate you all on becoming graduates. I know that each and everyone has done incredibly well during your time here, and I look forward to finding out what you will get up to beyond college. For now, this is a goodbye, but always remember to keep in touch if ever you need us," she stated. 

After her mini-speech, there was a round of applause. 

Soon after that, we were all allowed to filter out of the main auditorium, and I took a moment to text my parents. I knew that they were there in spirit, but they had been pretty caught up with work recently that they hadn't been able to come along to the graduation. It was okay, though. I had got it on film, as had Jase. I could always depend on him for matters like that. I supposed this was it, now. I had idealised this day for ages, and now that it was done I was only left wondering what would come next. I supposed that was just the human condition, though. Once we got the thing we wanted, we would begin to look for something else. 

There was one thing that I knew was an unquestionable part of my future plans, though, and that was my relationship with Brooke. She had gone to speak with her father, but I knew that I would be able to speak with her again, soon enough. 

I felt a familiar warmth nearby, as I turned to see Jase stood beside me. 

"Hey," he greeted me. 

"Hi Jase," I replied. 

I had thought that after the breakup things would have been more awkward between the both of us, but I think with time we were becoming friends again. That didn't change the fact that I was still incredibly mad at him, just not as irritated as Brooke happened to be, thankfully. 

Jase adjusted his reading glasses a little, and then spoke again. 

"Congratulations," he told me. 

"You too," I said, feeling the corner of my lips edge up a little. 

"We made it," he said. 

"That we did. I'm proud of us," I said. 

He grinned back at me. 

"Hey, I'm sorry that your dad couldn't be here," I added. 

"Yeah. He's just away a lot on his business trips. You know what it's like," he told me. 

I just gave a nod of agreement at that. 

"Hey, we can depend on each other to be there for each other though, right?" I pointed out to him. 

"Always. I really am sorry for everything, Tonia. I didn't just disrupt our relationship. I disrupted our friendship, too. I messed up," he said. 

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