Chapter Thirteen

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Once the beginning of May came around, I decided that it was time for me to make a choice as to what I was going to do about this whole Jase situation. I hadn't seen him kiss Sara, but Brooke was my best friend, and I felt it only right to take her word on this one. Besides, I had seen firsthand the guilt in Sara's eyes, and that had been enough to convince me that Brooke was telling the truth. I supposed that I had always had this hunch that something was going on between Jase and Sara. I just don't think I wanted to admit that much to myself. 

I just looked at my pale reflection in my bathroom mirror, and couldn't help but feel my eyes sting. I had always been overly emotional. I had never considered that anything like this would occur between Jase and I. Maybe I had just been a phenomenal idiot, though. I mean, Clary had brought this very subject up to me, and I had hardly believed she was telling the truth. Now, I just wished that I could go back to her and tell her that she was right. 

Was it something to do with me? Was there something wrong with me that had led Jase to kissing Sara? 

It honestly hurt too much to think about it. 

I felt as though the future that I had dreamed up for Jase and I, though, was on its way to being crushed like a cookie. My life was like the crumbs. Disarrayed and thoroughly messed up. The worst part was that I didn't know if there was a way for me to fix it. Was I just to become content with the fact that Jase and I may not be together anymore? I just didn't know if I could do that, honestly. 

I hadn't been with Jase for long, only a few months, but I also knew that I had never been a person to develop feelings slowly. I rushed into it headfirst, and sometimes without a helmet, and then I just found myself picking the glass shards of betrayal out of the crown of my head. 

 Releasing a sigh, I mustered up the courage to leave the bathroom. My family were probably beginning to grow concerned about just how much time I had been spending on my own. Oh well, I had been able to complete my next assignment even during all of this. 

 I soon heard the doorbell ring, and just thought that I had imagined it. However, when it went again, I realised that there really was in fact someone stood outside. 

I went to open the door to find Brooke stood there. 

She had a sympathetic expression on her face, and all I really wanted to do was step forward to hug her, but I didn't even feel as though I had the energy to do that. 

"Hey, Tonia. I know you probably didn't want to see me right now but-" 

"No. I'm glad you're here," I interrupted. 

She smiled at that statement, seeming considerably relieved. 

I had given Brooke my address a while back, just in case she ever needed to stay over or anything like that. 

"Come in," I told her. 

She nodded. 

The two of us headed into the house, and I called out to my parents to let them know that she was here. 

It was doubtful that they would have much of a problem with it. The only person that they were going to have issues with, any time soon, would be Jase...and potentially Sara, too, though I wasn't all too sure just how involved she was with all of this. 

Brooke and I walked upstairs, and then into my bedroom, where I just plopped down onto my bed, to stare up at the ceiling. 

Brooke released a gentle laugh, and I just sat up and looked towards her with an expression of curiosity. 

"I'm sorry. Serious Brooke is back," she said. 

"Well, get rid of her and bring back fun Brooke. I just don't want to think about all of this, Smarts," I told her, then. 

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