CHAPTER 1- All over Again

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MR. AND MRS. POTTER, OF POTTER COTTAGE IN GODRICS HALLOW, WERE PERFECTLY HAPPY TO ADMIT THAT THEY WERE WIZARDS , THANK YOU VERY MUCH. They had three kids. James Sirius Potter was the eldest, Albus Severus Potter was the middle child only a year younger than James, and their only daughter Lily Luna Potter the youngest by two years.

"Hurry up Albus, we're going to be late," yelled Ginny from the kitchen. The whole house was in chaos. Albus was busy in his room doing some last minute packing for Hogwarts. Today was his first day and unlike the other kids he was worried.

"Coming mum," yelled Albus from his room. He dragged his big trunk down and the whole family went to King's Cross station.

"Dad, tell James to stop," complained Albus. James had found a special type of amusement in teasing Albus. He'd constantly say that Albus would be in Slytherin.

"Knock it off James," said Harry "You know your brother hates it."

"What?" said James acting innocent, "I'm only saying what could happen!"

"Mum when am I going to Hogwarts?" asked Lily her eyes glued to the scenery outside, taking in London.

"Soon," said Ginny "Very soon."

The Potters arrived and set their luggage on trolleys. They stood in front of the entrance of Platform nine and three-quarters. James went through the barrier with Ginny and Lily. Harry stood back with Albus.

"Best to do it at a run if you are scared," he said remembering his first time through the barrier. He placed one hand on Albus's shoulder and the other on his trolley. They both ran and went through the barrier and entered Platform nine and three-quarters. The platform was crowded with witches and wizards sending their kids off.

"Uncle Ron!" yelled Lily running towards Ron.

"There's my favorite Potter!" said Ron, picking Lily up "Have I told you about the famous nose stealing breath from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?"

"Mum, dad's doing that lame trick again!" complained Rose.

"You say it's lame he says it's glorious. I say it's something in between. Hi Harry. Hi Ginny," said Hermione.

"Hey Hermione," said Ginny "How's- wait where's Albus?"

They all started looking for Albus. Harry finally found him, standing a few feet away from the group.

"Something wrong?" asked Harry, crouching down so that he was the same height as Albus.

"What if I'm sorted in Slytherin?" asked Albus

"And what's wrong with that?" asked Harry

"It's an evil house. Dark wizards come from Slytherin!"

"Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. You know the sorting hat did consider putting me in Slytherin and if it means so much to you, the sorting hat takes you're feeling into account. It did for me."

"Finally you're here!" said Rose as Harry and Albus joined the group again "The train was about to leave"

Rose, Albus, and James all got on to the train. James sat with his friends and Rose and Albus went to find an empty compartment.

"Come on," said Rose "We need to sit down before we get hurt."

"Is the compartment-" started Albus

"Empty?" finished the boy sitting alone in the compartment, "Other than me there is no one here."

"Thanks" said Albus sitting down. Rose stayed where she was.

"Black hair. Green eyes. You must be James-"

"Albus," he corrected

"Potter," continued the boy "And lets see. Beautiful face. Amazing red hair. You much be Rose Granger-Weasley."

"Right," said Rose crossing her arms "And let us see about you. Pale blond hair and skin. Stupid snarky attitude. You must be the Malfoy prat. Scorpius. Come on Albus let's go."

"Umm... I think I'll stay," said Albus.

"Alright," said Rose leaving "Your loss."

"I'm sorry, she usually isn't like this," Albus said apologizing to Scorpius "I don't know what got into her,"

"I do," he said "Our parents hated each other so naturally she thinks she has to hate me."

"What do you think?" asked Albus.

"I think she's rather pretty."

"Anything from the trolley dear?" asked the Trolley Lady bringing in the Trolley filled with candies.

"Have you got any licorice wands," asked Scorpius. The lady nodded and Scorpius bought four.

"I'll have the chocolate frog," said Albus. He paid and the Trolley moved on.

"Who'd you get?" asked Scorpius.

"My dad," said Albus and he read his card a loud "The boy who lived and fought bravely to defeat Lord Voldemort, I've got about six of him."

The students got changed into their robes and they arrived at Hogwarts. They crossed the Great lake and entered the castle of Hogwarts. All the first years gathered just outside the great hall, waiting to be sorted. There was an air of excitement all around.

"Welcome first years to Hogwarts. I'm Headmistress McGonagall. I will call your names and you will be sorted into on of the four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff"

They entered the great hall and waited to be sorted. The sorting hat was placed on a stool and Professor McGonagall stood next to it. The sorting hat started to sing. The hat was done and McGonagall called out the first name.

"Frank Abbott-Longbottom," called McGonagall.

"GRYFFINDOR!" yelled the hat before it even touched his head. Gryffindor table cheered.

"Rose Granger-Weasley," called McGonagall. There were many people before Rose but Albus didn't pay attention. He looked up to see his cousin going up to sit on the stool.

"Okay relax, you got this," Rose whispered to herself as she sat on the stool.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yelled and there was a huge applause. Rose sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"Scorpius Malfoy," called Headmistress McGonagall. Scorpius went and got sorted.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled and there was an eruption of applause at the Slytherin table. Scorpius sat and started talking with the other Slytherins. The Headmistress called out many other names when she finally called out Albus's.

"Albus potter," McGonagall called out. Albus nervously walked up to the hat and saw his brother in Gryffindor. He saw James mouth 'Slytherin'. Albus shuddered and sat on the stool. He felt the hat being placed on his head and reading his thoughts. A minute goes by, then two, then three, and still no decision from the hat. Finally after four minutes and thirty seconds the hat yelled out Albus's house.

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