CHAPTER 14- Creating Spells

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ALL THE STUDENTS GATHERED AROUND THE CASTLES GATES. A new face was arriving and all the students were excited. Albus stood in the front with Rose, Scorpius and Lena. Their fourth year had begun and the three of them faced the new year ahead.

"I wonder who's coming?" asked Lena lacing her fingers with Albus's. As if on cue, the new person arrived. Most of the students who got a look at the person left with disappointment and angry grumbles across their faces, other simply dashed and complained to anybody they could find.

"Who's that?" asked Lena as a toad-faced woman dressed in pink darkened the doors of Hogwarts.

"Dolores Jane Umbridge." answered Scorpius "She was with the ministry when Voldemort's second reign of terror began. She alone is responsible for torturing many muggle-borns. What is she doing here? I  thought your mum got rid of her."

"She did." answered Rose "Mum's not Minister for Magic anymore. She had to resign because of the whole obscurial business. She didn't want the public to worry so no one at the ministry knew other than her, my father, your father, Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny and the other Aurors here. Basically the only people who knew are close family and the Aurors. That didn't farewell when the Daily Prophet got a whiff of that."

"Mum told me," said Albus "No body wanted to run the story but it's the Daily Prophets job so they had to run it."

"If she was so horrible, why did they bring her back?" asked Lena.

"The new Minister wants her here," said Rose bitterly "To check up on Hogwarts."

"Or the Ministry finally ran out of competent people for school inspections." commented Albus.

"Hem, hem." said Umbridge "You know it is not nice for people to talk behind others back. Words should be said to the face."

"Oh, alright then, I'm sorry, I'll them to your face. I guess the Ministry finally ran out of competent people for school inspections, that's why you're here."

"I see you have acquired the same amount of class as your father." said Umbridge trying to mask her anger "Detention."

"B-" Albus started to say but Lena, Scorpius, and Rose put their hands over Albus's mouth before he could get him, them, and possibly the rest of Hogwarts in detention.


"Where are we going to get a time-turner?" asked Scorpius. Albus had filled him in on his plan to go back in time. They all met in the library and started to form a plan.

"The ministry," said Albus "They have tons of them there."

"And how do you suppose we get them?" countered Scorpius "We can't just waltz in and say hey, I'm going to borrow a time turner and there is a possibility that I will rip the fabric of the universe and destroy the world, but don't worry I'll give it back."

"I completely forgot about that!" groaned Rose "How the hell are three fourteen year old supposed to break in!"

"Our parents did it!" protested Albus "How hard can it actually be."

"Not very hard." said Rose "Considering the fact that they were seventeen and they nearly died about five times."

"Where were my parents during Voldemort's second reign of terror!" complained Scorpius.

"Anyway, I think these might help." said Albus placing some parchments on the table "I stole them from dad a long time ago."

"That's a map of the ministry!" exclaimed Rose "How did you manage to get this?"

"Dad used to lose his way around the ministry so he made it himself or asked aunt Hermione to make it for him. He doesn't need it anymore so I took it."

"Why?" asked Scorpius.

"Doesn't matter, this is really helpful." said Rose "With this and your invisibility cloak we have a way in and out."

"Now all that is left is when we go back in time." said Albus "What's the worst that could happen when we are there?"

"We could get separated." suggested Scorpius "That could cause three different problems at the same time."

"That can be fixed." said Rose "We just cast a bonding spell. That way we know where we are."

"You do know that kind of spell doesn't exist, right?" said Scorpius. Rose frowned and thought for a while. An idea popped into her head.

"It doesn't exist yet!" said Rose "I bet I could create one."

"How are you going to do that?" asked Albus.

"We're in a library, genius, there has to be some book on creating spells!" exclaimed Scorpius. All three of them got up and went to talk to Madam Pince.

"Yes?" she asked barely looking up from her work.

"Um... do you have any books on creating spells? I'm just really curious." said Rose sweetly.

"No." said Madam Pince.

"Not even in the restricted section?"

"Not even there." said Madam Pince looking at Rose "You could ask a professor. Although, the one who did manage to create one died, so I'm afraid I can't help you." The three of them were about to leave the library when Albus heard Madam Pince mutter 'Rest in peace, Professor Snape."

"Well that was useless!" declared Rose.

"Not really," said Albus smirking a little "The professor might be dead but his portrait isn't."

"What are you talking about? Albus!" said Rose. Albus didn't answer but instead he dragged his best friend and his cousin through the castle until they reached a portrait of a man with oily black hair and a hooked nose.

"This is Professor Snape." said Albus "He created a spell so maybe he could teach us."

"Even when I'm dead I'm still teaching." the portrait groaned rolling its eyes.

"Which spell did you create?" asked Scorpius.

"Sectumsempra." said Snape "I doubt you have heard of it."

"You created an unforgivable curse!" exclaimed Rose.

"It's an unforgiveable curse now?" Snape asked and all three fourteen year-olds nodded.

"Albus, are you sure he is the only one who can help us?" Rose whispered to Albus "I mean I don't think we should ask for help from someone who created an unforgiveable curse."

"He's the only one, Rose." Albus whispered back "Take it or leave it."

"Fine, teach me Professor," said Rose out loud "Teach me how to create spells."

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