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Honestly, this is one of the hardest decisions we've had to EVER make, so before we announce the winners, we just want to say that it's been amazing receiving your entries again this year. We spend days trying to judge this because of how impressive everyone's entries were. Please give yourselves a round of applause!

 Please give yourselves a round of applause!

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You're all Graphic Wattys winners in spirit.

We'd also like to thank the parrots for not running wild during this time. It was not an easy endeavour, you understand - at some point we had to bring out the explosives (read: Explody parrot) and chains (insert sad parrot). There was much screeching. I pity anyone who has to live on our street.

Someone coughs in the background. It's like you're the one winning the Graphic Wattys...

Okay, okay, without further ado, here are the winners! First, we'll be announcing the Guild-judged ones. Since there were a few designers that would've won in multiple categories if not for our rule that any designer can only win one Guild-judged Watty, we're going to honour them here first.

First of all, a huge shoutout to blackroguex - your entry in Banners/Blends/Story Ads was the only one that got full marks from every member of the Guild. Well done! A shoutout also goes to beauior, for being one mark off full marks for Dark Covers.

Please note that being in Parrot-Worthy does not mean that you're a Graphic Wattys winner in all these categories, it just means that you're eligible for a special Parrot-Worthy sticker to honour how great you are.


beauior - Dark Covers, Light Covers, Manipulated Covers, Icons, Manipulations, Threads

blackroguex - Dark Covers, Light Covers, Manipulated Covers, Simple Covers, Banners/Blends/Story Ads, Icons

Milochondria - Dark Covers, Light Covers, Banners/Blends/Story Ads, Mobile Designers

RosyKun - Light Covers, Manipulated Covers, Manipulations

strayinspace - Simple Covers, Banners/Blends/Story Ads, Icons

Eunkyung_art - Dark Covers, Light Covers

donut8812 - Light Covers, Simple Covers

Graphic Wattys 2020Where stories live. Discover now