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Did you hear someone scream outside your window a few weeks ago? Well, that was probably me.

Guys, I don't know how, I don't know why, but I just won the Graphic Wattys!

When I decided to participate, said with extreme sincerity, I did it only because... all the designers I knew were participating with such enthusiasm that I said to myself "Why not? What do I have to lose?", so as fast as I can, I selected the graphics that seemed to me the least worst and published the chapter. I think it has been one of the best choices I have ever made.

I want to repeat it: my graphics are nowhere near comparable to those of the other winners, but I am still happy to have given myself an opportunity. Thanks to Wattys, I met new super talented designers and I understood that I am not totally suck. 。゚(TヮT)゚。

Ergo, if you have not participated this year, do so absolutely in the next edition, maybe you will be one of the winners, maybe not... just have the pleasure and the courage to get involved, to believe in your work.

After the motivational message of the day, the advertising time has come!

If you want to contact me or want to be my friend (highly unlikely, but you never know), you can find me here:

— Wattpad: sunalessiamoon

— Instagram: @sunalessiamoon/@ale.ssia.zhu

— DevianArt: @sunalessiamoon

— Discord: sunalessiamoon#5501

Oh, and if you want to ask me something, don't be afraid, dude, write it in the comments. (o・ω・o) 


sunalessiamoon is the Graphic Wattys Parrot-Worthy Winner 2020 of Light Covers and Simple Covers. They're giving away 2 custom icons and 2 custom covers. To enter, click on the external link, the comments section, or enter this into your browser: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/760deb2f22/?

Graphic Wattys 2020Where stories live. Discover now