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So you accidentally stumbled in my humble chapter huh *coughs*.


Wait don't go! Let's have a chitty chat, would you like that?


Silence means yes right... glad to know then!

Hi, I'm Hazel, I'm a graphic designer hobbyist but hold up, no we're not going further there. My life and I in general are not really interesting nor my experience in graphic designing so how about we talk about you? Uh-huh, YOU. Do I sound creepy? Err... Well, I'm hoping you're here as a graphic designer or an aspiring one right? To be honest, who cares? This is a party, everybody's welcome anyways.

So yeah, let's not talk about me, let's talk about you. Think of this chapter as a breather. You have all the freedom here. Please stay with me up to the end of the chapter. Think of me like an old friend you're meeting again for the first time.

I know this question is so common that we sometimes ignore it but, how are you? Life's been pretty hard? Been stressed out lately to the point of wanting to take a break in everything but you can't? Graphic editing, drawing, and/or writing which is your hobby turned out to be the reason why you're being like that?

Don't worry but believe it or not, I and the whole Wattpad community understand you. You're not alone. We might not share the same experiences and I may help or not with your problems but always remember, we're all in this together.

Many writers and graphic designers decided to make an account here in Wattpad to share their talents and for the hope of getting their works recognized but the sad thing is, we're stuck in the system where well-known writers/designers are getting more popular and the small accounts being unnoticed at all. But why is that? We're a VERY large community but it seems that most of us are lowkey-ly treating each other as an opponent instead of supporting each other.

Stop it. It's not good for you. It's not good for everyone.

Stop comparing yourself or your works to others. But instead, try to be an open-minded person that is open to new ideas. Treat those well-known writers/designers as an inspiration. BUT don't try to do everything they do. Everyone has their own pace and their own right time to shine. Stop thinking, "I should do this, I should do that because this writer/designer is like that."

It might take you a lot of years to be the same level as theirs but remember that saying?

Slowly but surely.

But what if the problem is you're feeling overwhelmed with the support you're getting? You're scared of what to do next 'cause they might love you now but they might leave you later? So you're thinking that you should keep doing what you're doing but you're feeling uninspired and can't start anything?

Learn to take a break.

Who cares about the number of followers you'll lose? They don't define you. Stop overthinking and just take a day off because you know that you're free to do so. You own your shit. Your readers/requestors/supporters/muffins or whatever you call them will understand.

Know your worth.

Never ever again look down on yourself. Just because you can't that doesn't mean you'll never can. Don't treat your work as a "trash", they're not. You're not a "flop", no one is. Being unmotivated sucks but let it be. Everybody is an artist but not everyone is creative. Though remember that creativity is learned and honed thru time. Never stop trying and improving while taking breaks from time to time. I believe you can do it, believe in yourself too.

I made this as short as possible because I don't wanna bore you but I hope you stayed and read until here. I had a great time talking with you! See you again! 


otophile is the Graphic Wattys Guild-judged Winner 2020 of Simple/Minimalist Covers. They're giving away 2 custom book covers. To enter, click on the external link, the comments section, or enter this into your browser: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/760deb2f15/?

Graphic Wattys 2020Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora