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Hey there peeps!

My name is Laura, but I'm probably rather known as "ukiy0h". Well, in case you know me at all haha!

I gathered my courage, entered the Graphic Wattys this year and actually managed to win in the category "new talent". Still can't quite understand how, but I definitely feel honored!

So, today I'd like to introduce myself a little further to you through a selfmade "interview" and provide you with a speed cover/tutorial. At the end of the chapter you'll also be able to place an in-line comment for a little Q&A, you can ask as many questions as you'd like to!

I'd say we start with the interview!

Q: Is there anything or anyone that specifically encouraged you to start with graphic design?

A: Not really a specific person, no. I originally started Wattpad with the goal to write my own book. And I obviously needed a cover for it.

But most designers only do covers for already published books and often mention that it even needs to have a specific amount of chapters already. Which I totally understand, I stick to that rule/requirement as well! But out of hundreds of ideas only one or two of mine actually got the chance to see life outside the Wattpad drafts section. Even if it only was for a short amount of time.

So - regarding that - I was forced to create my own covers. And of course I was quite bad at designing graphics in the beginning. I mean, no one ever starts off perfect. So I kept practicing, until I would've been able to satisfy myself with my creations (still not there though, but we're getting closer). And I guess at some point I was confident enough to share some through portfolios, as well as starting a shop. And well, here I am now.

Q: What program/device did you start with, what are you currently using and what would you like to try out in the future?

A: I used PicsArt on my phone for the longest amount of time. Next to Photoshop it's probably the most popular program/app. But at some point I discovered a secret weapon, Procreate. I'm using the iPad version and I'm absolutely in love with it.

What I'd like to try out in the future is probably the Photoshop Version for the iPad. But at the moment I can't afford it. And to be honest, Procreate kind of works similar to Photoshop - and it's way cheaper. Sadly it's only available for Apple's iPads and iPhones.

Q: What do you think is so fascinating/catching about graphic design?

A: It's the "visualization of emotions and unspoken words" for me.

I have the most respect for people, who are able to create their own worlds through words and capture their readers inside them. Playing with their minds and hearts through plot twists, ingeniously crafted characters and plots in general.

But some people - like me - aren't good with words. We may have "story ideas" as well, maybe even with some actual potential. And it's no big deal to create this little cinema worthy movie in our heads. But we just can't put the pictures into words. We're having a difficult time trying to write down what we feel or see, what our characters feel and see. So we try to paint it down instead.

And in addition to that, I think it's just fascinating in general to create a whole new world by yourself. Playing God in some way. Whether it's through words or pictures.

Q: Something you're the most and least comfortable with, while designing graphics?

A: I hate anything regarding typography or adding text parts in general. I don't know why, but it's so so difficult for me. I never know where to put the text, how to make the text look in general, what effects or colors to use. I know I'll have to put text onto the graphic at some point - most of the time. But as soon as I actually start designing the graphic I forget about it. I don't pay attention to leaving some space for possible text somewhere. I don't incorporate the text into the idea/sketch I have of it in my mind, until everything is finished and I've reached the part where I have to include the text. And then I'm there like "well... fuck." So that's probably still the most uncomfortable part about designing graphics - for me. But I'm forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone, to try out more typography styles and different ways to incorporate text in general.

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