Ch-8 "Meeting of Old Friends"

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Hi guys! Without taking your much time. I welcome you all to Ch-8 of this book. Ready, Steady, Go!


[Prof. Oaks Lab][Pallet Town]

It was a cheerful morning in Pallet Town. The Sun was rising up the sky. Prof. Oak has just woken up and went to release all the pokemon in his lab in the field for getting some exercise. He then saw a Pidgeotto flying towards him. On closure inspection, he saw a letter attached to him. Prof. Oak took the letter from him and gave him some berries to regain energy.

He then went inside his lab and begin to read the letter. He checked the sender's address and was relieved to see that it was from Ash. It reads as follows:-

To Prof. Oak,

Hi Professor! Sorry I was not able to contact you for the last few years. I and Serena are okay and were staying in Rota. Prof. In the next 6 months, there is the Grand Festival that is going to happen in Hoenn. Serena will be participating in that. I will be also present there. Do you remember that I asked you something before leaving? Can you send Gary there! I want to talk to him regarding something. For not getting recognized by those traitors, I will be wearing a disguise. For making it easy for Gary to find me there, I will be wearing a black hat and black clothes while wearing black gloves with some design on it. On both the glows there will be blue colored stones attached to them. Pikachu will be in his normal place, on my shoulder. And please say him to not go to Rota to search for us as we both may have left for our journey. And Say him that I miss him a lot. Prof. all of my pokemon are perfectly fine. They were training hard for the last few years.

-By Ash K.

After reading this letter Prof. Oak's eyes were tearing up as he was happy to hear that Ash & Serena are perfectly fine and safe. He quickly got up from his seat and dialed up to Gary as he knew that he will be in Prof. Rowen's lab. It didn't take long for someone to pick up the call.

"Prof. Oak! Good Morning to you" One of the Assistants spoke.

"Good Morning to you too. Can you call Gary because there is some urgent information that I want to talk to him." Prof. Oak replied.

"Sure Prof." It took a few minutes of blank screen before a spiky hair teen appeared in front of him. According to his attire, he has just woken up.

"Hey, Gramps! Good Morning." He spoke while yawning.

"Hey, Gary! Good Morning to you too. I have some urgent information that I want to share with you." Prof. Oak replied.

"Sure, but what it's about?" "It's about Ash." After hearing Ash's name Gary was attentive.

[Flashback "A month after betrayal"]

Gary had come back from the Sinnoh region as 'Prof. Rowen gave him a break to visit his home. He was walking down the hill towards the lab. When he entered the lab, he was greeted by Prof. Oak and Tracey. He had his breakfast and was on the farm. He felt that something was missing in the lab but he couldn't feel what was that? After putting pressure on his brain he figured out that all of Ash's Pokemons were not present there.

He decides to ask Prof. Oak about all of this and went to talk to him. When he reached him. He gathered all of his confidence to ask him about Ash and all of his Pokemons. After hearing Ash's name both Prof. and Tracey begin faced towards the ground. He tried harder to ask them but got no response. He then tells them that he will then ask his mother. But was stopped by both Prof. Oak and Tracey. They later told him about betrayal and everything after that.

Gary was Furious After hearing this and was about to go and find Ash and then take his revenge. But was stopped by Prof. that Ash told them that he would be sending a hint about himself in the next few years. Gary then relaxed a bit but later decides to talk to all of Ash's rivals about it and All of Ash's rivals were furious to hear all about this. As Ash always treats them by equal respect even if they don't deserve it. They all made a special room for Ash in their lives as Ash was the one who changed their lives.

[Flashback Ends]

"So what about him?" Gary asked in curiosity. "Relax a bit He today sent a letter to me telling me about where he was in the last 3 years and he asked me to tell you that he missed you so much. He also told that Serena, Ash's girlfriend, is participating in Hoenn Grand Festival this year and he asked you to meet him there as he needs to tell you something important. For making it easier to him for you, He will be wearing a disguise but he told him at least that he would wear a black hat, black clothes and a will wear some black gloves with some design on it." Prof. Oak said. "Okay, Gramps. Soon I'll be visiting Hoenn in a few months and will meet with Ash there. I am very excited to meet him and challenge him for a battle for testing his skills." Gary replied with excitement and added "I will call you later as I have to change my dress for today. Bye Gramps!" "Bye Gary! Take care." Prof. Oak replied and the screen turned black. "I hope Ash and Serena will be alright." Prof. Oak wished.

[Time Skip, 6 months]

It was the Opening of the Hoenn region Grand Festival. A teen in a black hat and black clothes was walking towards the spectator's column. He was wearing gloves on both his hands and some design was embroidered on them. There 2 glowing stones fixed to their centers. His auburn eyes exactly matched with the colors of the stones giving some touches to his speculation. Everyone was wondering who this person could be. Some speculated that he might be the mysterious champion of Kalos and some speculated something else. While a certain spiky-haired teen around the same age as he knew about him and decided to talk to him. Soon the mysterious teen sat on a chair with the spikey hair boy next to him.

"So I was right that you will come here to meet me." The mysterious boy spoke out while looking at him. His eyes glowed blue and the stones too changed their colors.

"Nice to meet you again Gary. And don't worry no one will be able to hear us."

"Nice to meet you too Ashy-boy," Gary spoke out while receiving a smack from Ash on his head.

"I told you not to call me that" "Sorry, but I couldn't control myself," Gary replied sounding innocent. "Then control yourself. Or else you will be receiving harder doses from me." Ash threatened him. Gary sweatdropped.

To be continued....


Thanks for reading this. Sorry for not updating yesterday as I was busy. So, here he comes. I will be doing some time skip until the main event so be ready for that. You know the rest drill.

Signing Off, Flair.

Thank You

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