Ch-17 "Dark Ash"

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Hi! Exams are officially over. Now get ready for the next chapter of Pokemon: Aura Destiny. Ready, Steady, Go!


[Third Person]

In the Elite Suite,

Red immediately stood up when he saw 'R' on those choppers. "No way! That f*cking bastard, Giovanni, is here. He is after me and now because of me many lives are in danger." Following Red, Blue stood up and they both begin to run towards the battlefield. But Gary noticed something abnormal on the battlefield. "Dad! Red! Stop, look over there." Gary yelled while pointing towards the battlefield. They both stopped and glanced on the battlefield. They saw some Dark Aura flowing through the battlefield. Ash's eyes were blood red and he was covered in a dark aura. Gary took a closer look at the battlefield and when he saw the figure, his eyes widened and shivers to his spins. He gulped at the figure. 'Those red eyes, dark aura. The demon inside Ash. Dark Ash' Gary thought. Seeing Gary in such a state, Green decided to ask him. She tapped on Gary's shoulder and asked: "Gary, Whats wrong do you know this?" Gary turned around and replied "Dark Ash!" "Dark Ash?" everyone inside the room spoke confused. "Yes, Dark Ash. The demon inside Ash. The only person in the entire world whom even Giovanni is scared of." Gary spoke. "The only person of whom Giovanni is scared of. Did something happened between them?" Red asked. "Last time when Dark Ash came out. He nearly killed Giovanni. Heck, he was about to destroy the whole world." Gary replied in fear. "Then we must stop him or else Ash will be in danger!" Serena replied in concern. "Let's Go!" Red yelled and begin to run towards the exit. Everyone soon followed him.

Red was about to exit the suite but a blue barrier out of nowhere stopped him. He falls down due to crashing in it followed by the others. "What was that?" Red groans. "Stop right here. Let Ash handle this." A man wearing a black hat, black clothes, and long boots was walking towards them. His eyes were glistening blue in color and a Lucario was walking beside him. Assuming a threat, Red, and Blue took a battle stance. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Red yelled. In meantime, Serena got back to her senses and looked over to the figure. "Sir Aaron, What are you doing here?" Serena asked. "Hello Serena, Long time no see." "Yeah. But can you tell me what are you doing here?" Everyone else was standing dumbfounded at the scene. They were confused at the unfolding scene. Red decided to clear the confusion. "Do you two know each other?" Red asked. "Yeah and Ash knows him too," Serena replied to Red before turning to Sir Aaron continuing "But what are you doing here?" "I'm here to see Ash's Dark form in work." Sir Aaron replied. "So can you stop this?" Blue asked. "I am not supposed to stop it." "But why?" Red asked. "Because Arceus said so." Sir Aaron said. Sir Aaron walked towards the glass window and formed a connection with Ash. "Hey, Ash! I'm forming a protective forcefield to protect the audience and then you can continue with your work. Don't kill them 'cause Giratina said that he doesn't have any space for this bastard." "Alright. Its playtime." Ash replied while smirking. Sir Aaron and Lucario raised their arms and made an Aura barrier in front of the Audience.

In the battlefield,

Ash received the confirmation from Sir Aaron and is now ready to attack. "Pikachu are you ready?" Ash asked. "Pika Pi! (Born ready!)" Pikachu replied. Ash turned his gaze towards Giovanni. "Giovanni, Are you ready to meet your worst nightmare?" Ash asked in his coldest voice. "You kid just stop here. You can't even hurt me." Giovanni replied while laughing evilly.  "Your bad luck," Ash replied and turned to his darkest form. Ash and Pikachu begin to run towards the choppers. Ash released Lucario who also ran along with them. Ash, Pikachu, and Lucario begin to completely demolish whatever came in their way. They focused their target on the middle chopper. Giovanni was giving his orders in chaos. He commanded all the attack vehicles to attack in random directions. Ash and his pokemon were one-shotting everything in their way. Ash and Lucario fired Aura spheres to both of their sides to take out everything but the middle chopper. Ash asked his pokemon to stay at their place and Ash launched himself towards the chopper. His Dark form charged his powers up leading him to jump towards the chopper which was high above the ground. Ash begins to punch the vehicle to create an opening for him. Once made, Ash lifted Giovanni from his collars and jumped back on the ground. "YOU F*CKING BASTARD. YOU THOUGHT TO ATTACK THIS PLACE AND KILL INNOCENTS. YOU DON'T DESERVE HELL. HELL WOULD BE RATHER MUCH PURER THAN YOU." Ash yelled while punching Giovanni. Sir Aaron teleported to the battlefield and said "Enough Ash. You will kill him. If you kill him the Hell would also spit him out." "So now what to do with this lowlife?" "Call Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Ask them to take him to the dark void. He will stay there for eternity." Ash nodded and did what Sir Aaron asked him to do. "Great work Ash. Now focus your powers to repair all the damages." Sir Aaron instructed Ash. Ash closed his eyes and focused his powers. Everything in the stadium begins to glow faint blue and all the damages were repaired. Sir Aaron and his Lucario lowered the shield. 

"SEE NOW. I WAS CORRECT THIS PERSON IS A DANGER. HE CAN KILL ANYONE. TAKE THIS IDIOT OUT. HE IS A DANGER FOR EVERYONE. TAKE HIM TO THE PRISON" Camel begins to shout while jumping like a first grader. "Now what to do with this Idiot?" Ash asked. Sir Aaron shrugged it off and said: "Do whatever you want but after your match and Goodluck." Camel was now jumping like a monkey and yelling that Ash is a danger. No one but 'The traitors' were supporting him and shouting the same.


I want to ask that what are your hobbies except reading Amourshipping fanfics?  Mine is to learn programming on my PC and play games. Everything that can be done on PC is my favorite thing to do in my free time. 

Did you notice that Serena in glasses? She is unrecognizable in them. PS: Watch the video while enabling Captions to understand the lyrics.

Now my exams are finally over. Time to relax.

Signing off, Flair.

Thank You.

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