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Before we start, I must warn you that what happens next is horrific. It will emotionally scar you. I'd like to say I was saddened by what happened, but I would be lying. When I heard the news, I knew what Luke was going through, and I keep asking myself how? Why did this happen to such a nice couple? What went wrong? You're not like me, so I suggest you think about the wonderful things that happened to them, like telling Russell and Debbie the news over breakfast. It would be better if you think about those things instead.

Russell and Debbie sat on the leather sofa, looking at their best friends with eagerness. Russell was the same age as Luke, yet he looked much older than forty. His belly extended over his shirt and his face was worn with winkles. Whereas Luke was athletic, Russell was unfit, and drank too much.
'What's this news you wanted to tell us?' asked Russell, helping himself to some more pancakes. 'These are delicious.'
'Russell, patience,' said Debbie, giving him a look. 'And how many pancakes can you eat?'
Debbie was the same age as Jessica, and they had known each other since they were five. They had attended the same schools, cried over the same boys, and fallen out many times. But they always fixed their problems and stayed firm friends over these years. Debbie had that natural beauty. She could step out of the house without any make-up, wearing a bin liner, and she would still look amazing. Woman hated her, and men wanted to be with her. Russell always counted himself lucky at finding such an incredible woman.
'Jessica, do you want to tell them?' asked Luke, pouring everyone another coffee.
'Sure,' she said, trying not to grin. 'You know we've been trying to get pregnant?' She had barely finished her words when Debbie blurted out, 'You're pregnant. Are you pregnant?'
Jessica rushed over and hugged her friend. 'Yes,' she said. 'I'm pregnant.'
'Oh Jess, that's wonderful. Come here, Luke. You're not getting out of this hug.'
The three hugged, as Debbie squeeze the couple affectionally. Luke finally pulled himself away only to be squeezed by Russell.
'Well done mate,' he said. 'It's about time.'
'Boy or girl?' interrupted Debbie.
'We don't really mind, as long as it's healthy.'
'Oh shut up! Everyone says that. Which would you prefer?'
'Boy,' said Luke. 'Girl,' finished Jessica.
'Oh dear,' said Russell. 'Let's hope for twins. One of each.' Everyone laughed, and Luke and Jessica looked at each other with concern.
'I think that deserves a toast. Not you Jess. Orange juice for you.'
Debbie pulled out a bottle of champagne from a carrier bag and waved it in front of Russell.
'When did you get that?' asked Luke, surprised to see the bottle.
'Let's just say we had a feeling, and have been saving this for us. Come on, Russell. Make yourself useful and open this.'

The morning went on, and the group discussed names, bedroom colours, changing nappies, and always feeling tired. Russell had joked how Luke would soon look older than him, and if they ever needed babysitters, they were only two doors away.
By lunch time, Russell and Debbie left, saying they had to visit an aunt who was in hospital.
'Hope the old woman leaves us some cash?' said Russell with a grin. 'Could do with a good holiday.'
'Russell,' scorned Debbie, slapping his arm. 'She is your aunt.'
'Yes. And she is loaded.'

'That went well,' said Luke, clearing up the plates and loose bits of pancake Russell had managed to drop all over the sofa.
'I think so. They looked happy for us. Especially when we asked if they would be Godparents.'
'Nine months. Not sure I can wait nine months,' said Luke, rubbing Jessica's belly.
'It's shorter than nine months now. It will go quickly,' said Jessica. 'Nearly forgot. I've got to pick up that prescription from the doctor. Tablets to help with morning sickness.'
'You sure you don't want me to go?' asked Luke.
'No, it's fine. I could do with the fresh air. Be back in an hour.'
'OK. I'll clear up and maybe we can watch that film I've been going on about.'
'See you later,' said Jessica, tenderly kissing her husband, and disappearing out of the front door.

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