Chapter 5: Rescued

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  The first thing Giyuu noticed when he started coming back to his senses was the dull pain in his whole body. It was much weaker than when he fell, almost nonexistent. Then he noticed that he was laying on something soft and not the hard rocky ground he blacked out on. The air around him smelled lightly of wisteria but the odor of green tea was much stronger. Just where was he?

He had to really concentrate on opening his eyes, it was so difficult but he needed to know where he was. When his eyelids finally lifted, a white fox mask appeared in his blurred sight.

"..S-Sa...bito?" he croaked out.

He was dead, he had to be. And Sabito came to see him after all these years. A Water pillar that didn't deserve his rank, a useless man that couldn't save anyone. He was a dissapointment. He really didn't want his childhood friend to see him like this... What would he say to the fact that Giyuu died before achieving anything? Sabito chuckled and started talking.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I am not the person you think I am." said a female voice.

His eyes widened, then narrowed as he tried to focus on the person kneeling above him. It wasn't Sabito after all.

"I guess you must be disoriented, that was quite a fall after all. Had I come five minutes later, you two wouldn't make it."

The blurriness started to leave slowly and now he could make out the red designs on her mask. But what caught his attention more was the missing lower part of the thing. He couldn't say why but he knew that this wasn't his first time seeing the particular accesory. The edge of the ceramic mask was jagged and pointy as if someone broke it and in it's place was a soft smile on her pinkish lips.

But wait... did she say 'you two'?

He hurriedly tried to sit up so he could look around but the moment he moved, a terrible pain shot through his whole body. At the same time gentle hands lightly pushed him back into a lying position.

"I cannot have you getting up just yet. You just barely escaped death, I'm sure you wouldn't expect to be walking Two days after you broke all of your ribs, punctured your lungs, got a concussion and cracked the bones in you arms and legs in more places than one. To be honest I didn't even expect you to wake up so soon..."

He didn't care about what she had to say about him right now, he had to know. Was Kocho still alive?

"..Gh-...Ko- K- Koch- Kocho... I--is s- she..?" he managed to get out of himself with great effort.

"Kocho?" she tilted her head, "Oh! You must mean the girl that was with you!"

He grunted in agreement and waited for her to tell him about her.

"She was in a much worse state than you, that's for sure. But don't worry, I patched her up so she should be fine."

No, that was a lie, there was no way she could do that. He watched the light leave Kocho's eyes, she had minutes left, if not seconds. No one could save her after she cracked her skull open! Unless...

He looked at the woman again. She was still there, waiting patiently as if she knew he needed to know more. Although he couldn't see most of her face, she appeared young since there were no wrinkles around her mouth. She had long (h/c) hair tied back into a low ponytail with two strands left loose to frame her face and long bangs. A simple black kimono with white underneath was covering most of her skin. The very top of the white part of her kimono had strange reddish designs on it but he payed them no mind. And in her hair, behind her right ear was the thing he was looking for.

'...she could heal anyone, even if others said there was no hope for them', huh? he remembered Kentaro's words.

Was it her? Was this the witch? But he couldn't sense any demon nearby and she had to have walked under the wisterias to save them... Just who, or rather what, was she? Could she be Kii? But Kii was supposed to have burgundy colored hair, not (h/c). Or was it true that Riku's daughter turned other girls into witches and this was one of them? And as if she's heard his thoughts, she spoke up again.

The Blacksmith's daugther was a witch (Tomioka Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now