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Even before he approached us, making it possible for me to see his face, I knew it wasn't Vlad.

I let my arms drop to my sides as disappointment hit me hard, feeling my legs tremble and give way. The second man reached me just before I fell, his strong arm wrapped around my waist helping me stand upright until I could manage on my own again. Breathe. You knew it couldn't be him.

"Thanks, Lucas." I muttered after a while, not surprised at all to see him at my side.

I was much more intrigued by the presence of the tall stranger, now leaning above William. The man who looked enough like Vlad to make me hope...

"Hey, man, what... are you?" William drawled, as the stranger helped him to his feet. "You look like... a vampire... like that guy in the museum." He laughed, then hiccupped, looking like he would fall again the moment the man would let go of him.

"It seems that the lady is not interested in your company, young man. I suggest you take your leave." The dark-haired man said, his clear and imposing voice filling the darkness that spread around us.

William chuckled. "The 'lady' is mine. I shall stay... as long as I want. We need to... talk."

"No, William. Go home. I have nothing more to tell you." I said. "Please."


"Lucas, please, accompany our friend home. I'll look after her." The stranger decided, his tone leaving no place for discussion.

As Lucas left my side to escort William, he drew nearer. "Nice to meet you, Lady Samara," he said, taking my hand in his, and kissing it. "I didn't think we would ever meet personally."

I lowered my eyes and curtsied, my ingrained medieval manners coming back in a flash. And as I straightened up again and looked in the man's face, I knew who he was.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stoker."

I saw surprise flashing in his eyes before he could mask it.

Lucas laughed somewhere in the darkness, "I told you she would find out." Then he spoke to William, leading him away, "Come on, pal, let's take you home."

"Lucas, thanks. He lives in Chiswick," I called after them.

"Strand-on-the-Green, by the river..." William slurred his address, letting Lucas lead him away without further complaint.

"Mr. Bram Stoker." I said, looking at the man towering above me, as soon as we were alone. "A vampire."

"I don't go under that name in this century, Lady Samara. Abraham Balcombe, in your service." He bowed again and smiled.

"And I'm not Lady Samara here. I'm Samara Marlowe." I replied.

He nodded, looking at me intently, his eyes as full of questions as my own.

"Shall we talk?" He suggested. "Somewhere warm, preferably. You are freezing."

"Please." I said, shivering with cold as the adrenaline running through my veins started to wear off. "Follow me."

When we reached the flat, Lia was still on the phone in her room but Anne and Mark were back in the sitting room, waiting for me to serve the cake. As Mark recognized our guest as Lucas' uncle, I left the introductions to him and went to get more plates and glasses, expecting Lucas to join us once he would be done with William.

"I'm sorry for what happened outside. For the... misunderstanding." Stoker said quietly, studying me, as I sat down next to him and sliced the cake.

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