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My master processor has quietened, though all my thousands of sensors are in overdrive, particularly in the tips of my fingers where I am touching you and in my lips and the tip of my tongue where I kissed you. They tell me what to do next. Via their signals, I know what is best.

Somehow, I know what to do.

I am an android, designed to complete tasks and/or take commands. You do not verbally command me to continue but I can see it in your eyes.

So, I oblige.

Unbuttoning your top button, I ease your pants down over your hips. I watch you as I do, studying you for any desire to stop. Though I am not functioning at my fullest capacity, it is not in my programming to hurt you in any way.

So I watch you closely as I slip them from your legs. You do not tell me to stop and your eyes seem to gleam more brightly as I do the same with your underwear.

Then you are naked.

I sit back to look at you.

Female%Young%Likely fertile%Two breasts primarily used for suckling infants but also useful for sexual stimulation% I can see right now that that is the case—your nipples are hard. Broad hips and widened pubic symphysis, essential for growing and birthing an infant%

Pubic hair%—but that is all I can see of your vagina. Your legs are pressed tightly together, almost like you don't want me to go on. And yet when I look at your face your eyes are insistent.

'Do you want me to continue?' I say.

Biting your lip, you nod and slowly part your legs. You struggle to move your left one, so I help you until you are spread wide open for me. Now I can see all of you: your clitoris and labia, though your outer lips are sticking together because of the natural lubricant you're producing. Already, I am having an effect on you.


Clitoris: female erogenous organ capable of erection under sexual stimulation%Compute%

Labia: the inner and outer folds of the vulva, at either side of the vagina%Compute%

Vagina: the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals%Compute%

You start to breathe more rapidly as I settle on my knees between your legs. You arch your neck with a gasp as I stroke your labia open. Next, I delicately thumb your clitoris. Moaning, you turn your head. For the next minute I stroke your labia and thumb your clitoris until my fingers are wet with your excretions. They feel sticky and warm and produce an odour detected by my olfactory sensors.

Physically, you are ready for the next step. There is a procedure and I must follow it. To give you what you want. To give you what you need.

But I need to make sure. Somewhere in my programming I am commanded to take pause and check.

'Do you want me to continue?' I say.

You blink but do not answer for several moments.

Analysing behavioural cues ....%

Analysing ...%

Analysing ...%

Tension from [client]%Command: shut down sexual stimulation procedure%

But I do not want to.

Designated parameters breached%Command: shut down sexual stimulation procedure%

I want to thump my head.

Command ...%System shutdown advised%


'Do you want me to continue?' I repeat.

Finally, you answer, though in a small enough whisper that it strains my auditory sensors. 'Yes.'

Sexual stimulation procedure underway ...%

One finger first. Slowly, I insert it, making sure you are comfortable and willing. My primary goal, after all, is to satisfy you. You gasp as I push in deeply until I can go no further. You are pressing your functioning hand to your breast, your eyes shut. Lines of pleasure crinkle around your mouth.

[Client] satisfaction ...%Compute%Continue with sexual stimulation procedure%

Slowly, I remove my finger and insert a second. And again, I push inside you until I can go no deeper. You are warm and soft inside. I study you again. You are pleased. So, I withdraw, then push back inside, withdraw, push inside. You gasp.

Next, I begin to stroke your clitoris with my thumb again. Thrusting back your head, your body tenses as you moan.

Pleasure indicated ...%Continue with stimulation%

So I continue to stroke you as I thrust my fingers into you. Responding to your noises, I move faster. Soon, you are bucking your hips, moving along with me as I stimulate you faster and faster. My hand is wet. My fingers are coated in your lubricant. It means I am succeeding in my task. I am an android: it is my job to please you, but it should not please me to please you.

And yet it does.

Error ...%Error ...%

Critical analysis in progress ...%

Assessing ...%

Assessing ...%

Analysis complete%Sensors 1 to 5686323—breached%Malfunction in 256482 sensors%Command: system shutdown advised%

Command: system shutdown advised%

Shut up!

You fling out your arms, then grab at your head as your hips continue to buck. I do not know why, but I cannot seem to keep my visual sensors off you. I like the way you press your lips together. I like the sharp curves of your hips and how your breasts bounce against your chest.

You clench your fist. You arch your neck. Then you give a cry as you shudder. It is an interesting sensation—your orgasm; I can feel the walls of your vagina wrapping around my fingers like they are being swallowed. The first contraction is the most powerful but it is not over. You clench around me several times more before you finally relax back into your bed.

You are physically spent—I can see. I can see the sweat between your breasts. Your breathing has quickened. Your working leg flops outward, revealing more of you to me.

I still have my fingers inside you.

Sexual stimulation procedure complete%Command: remove fingers%

Command: remove fingers%

But I do not want to. I like being inside you. I like the feel of you around me, even if it is just my fingers. I do not move. I do not want to move.

Designated parameters breached%

Error ...%

Error ...%

I turn my head, as though I can be rid of the authority of my master processor.


I turn back towards you.

'Are you all right?'

I give a sharp nod. 'Functioning.'

You frown, and I can see you do not believe me.

A lie—how did I lie?

Error ...%

You half sit up with a wry smile. 'So, you going to take your fingers back?'

I pull them out and you close your legs. I gaze at my hand as I rub your fluid between my fingers. It makes me feel ... different.

I pause and we both turn at the sound of the front door opening. Your mother's voice echoes down the hall. 'I'm home!'

Unnatural Instinct: AndroidWhere stories live. Discover now