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>>**System Overload**<<

>>**System Overload**<<

%System overload reached%Command: system shutdown emergent%

Command: system shutdown emergent%

It feels good.

It feels good like it shouldn't. Like it cannot.

I am still jerking and twitching but much of my energy has now flowed into the appendage between my legs, engorging it, hardening it, absorbing the fire in my body until it burns like a brand.

Your hand is soft and cool against my hot skin and looks so small and delicate. I like the way it looks. I like it upon me, your fingers wrapped around my thickness. It feels right.

'Is it working, Hiro?' you ask me. 'Does it feel good?'

Unable to speak, I give a sharp nod. I briefly check for faults in my speech centre but all my sensors are working normally. Something else is affecting them but I cannot explain what.

It scares me a little.

Unlike before, I can feel you properly now. It is not the usual, simple touch. It is something more. Something I cannot understand. It sends little shocks of energy down the length of my penis and into my lower abdomen where it then centres in my testicles. I have a sudden urge to touch them and so I do, massaging them in my hand like you did the night before.

I groan, arching my neck, as I press the back of my head harder against the wall. You are moving your hand fast now, up and down, up and down. I watch your fingers, I watch your arm, before shifting my gaze to your face.

You are focused on your task, your eyelids sitting low over your eyes. Your hair is a mess. You are red in the face and breathing heavily. Numerous little lines crinkle around your mouth and eyes.

[Client] in pain ...%compute%

Pain. You are feeling pain.

I want to reach out to touch you. I need to help you. But something is holding me back. It is the sensations. They are pinning me to the floor, bending me against their will.

Error ...%

Soon, they start building to a point that I release my testicles to clench my fists. My body is tense, my joints locking into place. All the tendons and fibrous silicon rubber that make up my muscles strain to breaking point. My appendage is so hot, too hot. It is so thick and long and hard that it no longer resembles what it once was. Surely, it cannot take anymore.

Surely, I cannot take anymore.

Then it finally happens—the release you were talking about. It almost feels like it shoots out of me in an electrical surge that explodes from the tip of my shaft. Only, when I look down I see that nothing has happened. There is no fire. There is no smoke. I have not shorted out. My whole body jerks, then shudders. I feel a hard spasm in my groin that shocks me.

Then it is over.

I rest my head back against the wall as I stare up at the ceiling. I can still feel it. I can still feel the sensations like a hot, pulsing throb through my system. And that is when I suddenly realise what it is—pleasure.

I am feeling pleasure.

Finally, you release me. 'Did it work?' you say with a gasp.

'You are in pain,' I say.

'Did it work?'

I take a moment to scan my system.

Critical analysis in progress%

Assessing ...%

Assessing ....%

Other than my usual errors everything seems to be working in order. I am no longer jerking. I am no longer twitching. I look down at my hands as I open and close my fists—they are completely within my control now.

Whatever was wrong with me has resolved.

I look up at you. 'Thank you.'

You nod and release an exhausted breath. 'I need to rest now. I'm tired.'

I reach out to touch your cheek. 'You are in pain.'

You press your lips into my palm. 'It's nothing I can't handle.'

You struggle to get up but it is difficult in your weakened state. My legs are my own again as I stand and hoist you into my arms. Carefully I rest you on the bed. And there I take a moment to gaze down at you. I do not know why I do it. All I know is that I feel a strange warmth in my chest. I try to analyse it but come up with no answers. I think ... I think this might be a form of pleasure too but different from the other.

I frown. 'I ripped your shirt.' I cannot believe I did that. I should not be able to do that. It is well outside my designated parameters. It worries me. My programming demands that I shut myself down. And I should.

But I will not.

'It's okay,' you smile, your eyes half-closed. 'But I would appreciate it if you could help me into another shirt. I don't what my mother to discover it.'

I nod and quickly extract another shirt from your drawers. I help you sit up as I remove your old one and put on your new one. Carefully, I rest you back down again, still gripping onto your shoulders as I watch you. Your eyes are closed now and you are breathing deeply, though those crinkles around your eyes and mouth remain.

You smile. 'Let me go, Hiro.'

'I do not want to.'

'You have to. Go recharge.' And you roll away from me.

I get up, pull your covers up, then retrieve my pants. I take a moment to study myself before I pull them back on. My penis is no longer so hard but it is still not hanging limp between my legs like it once did. Though the pleasure has worn off, I can still feel an echo of it. I can still feel the memory of it. Like it is always going to be there. And I know, with absolute certainty, that this will happen again.

I pull on my pants and leave your room, clicking your door shut behind me. Quietly, I walk back to my room. As I pass your mother's door, I can hear her breathing. She has not wakened.

Entering my room, I sit down in my usual spot and plug myself into the wall. After taking a moment to let the electrical charge energise my depleted system, I look down at your ripped shirt in my hands. I smooth the material between my fingers as I remember how you looked as I pleasured you, the way you sounded, the way you felt.

Pressing the material to my face, I stimulate my olfactory sensors with your scent.

Unnatural Instinct: AndroidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora