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I help you rest your arm in the armrest of the rollator so you are more steady. Slowly, you walk. I keep close behind you, so I can catch you if you fall.

I feel a swelling in my chest as I watch you. You might be neurologically impaired but you are strong. I can almost feel your agony at each difficult step. But you keep going until you finally reach the kitchen.

Gasping, your face red, you push the rollator over to me with a, 'Get rid of it,' then clutch at the kitchen bench. I put it away and return to your side, wondering what your plan is. I have always made you your food.

You smile at me as I wait for your command. 'There is some cooking chocolate in the cupboard. Could you get it out for me?'

I raise my eyebrows, suddenly realising what you are up to, but do as you command.

I stand behind you with my hands on your hips, steadying you, as you melt the chocolate into a warm, viscous solution. You scoop a spoon through it, lift it high, and tip the contents back into the bowl. I watch as it trickles. It should work well through my tubing.

Grinning, you take a mouthful. Your face lights up as you swallow. Your smile broadens as you look at me, licking the spoon. 'Yummy.'

I cock my head. 'Will it not be uncomfortable for you, ejaculating chocolate into your vagina?'

Your eyes widen. Then you laugh. 'Not to mention messy! Ew! No! This isn't going anywhere near my bits.'

Licking your lips, you look down at my groin. You twist your mouth. 'You should probably wash first.'

After I've thoroughly washed my groin off in the shower, I return to the kitchen. You are still standing at the kitchen bench as you wait, gripping onto it with tense fingers. You are stooped over and grimacing.

'You are in pain,' I say. 'We should not do this.'

You look at me with a hard jaw and fire in your eyes. 'Pain has ruled my life for too long. We're doing it.' Your eyes drop to my groin. 'So, how do we go about it?'

By detaching my testicles.

You watch me in shock and disbelief as I bring them over to the kitchen sink along with the bowl of chocolate. There is a little door on the side of my left testicle, which I open at the click of a button. There, I slowly pour the chocolate inside, filling up both pouches.

'Jesus,' you whisper.

By the time they are full, the bowl is close to empty. I put it back on the bench and reattach my testicles. They feel heavy now, drooping low between my legs as they pull at the silicone rubber of my skin. I turn towards you. 'It is done.'

You are staring at me, your eyes wide. 'I don't now whether to laugh or scream.'

'Do you still wish to proceed?'

You do not answer as you gaze at me. Suddenly, you shake yourself. 'Yes. Yes. I want to proceed.'

I retrieve your rollator and we walk back to your room. It is a strange feeling. My testicles bump against my thighs and I can feel the warm liquid sloshing around. And I wonder if this is how it feels as a real human male.

We enter your room.

'Sit on the edge of the bed,' you say.

I obey.

'Spread open your thighs,' you command.

I do so.

'Now ...' You wince in pain as you kneel between my legs.

'You cannot do this,' I say. 'It is my task to pleasure you, not yours to pleasure me.'

You purse your lips. Your forehead furrows. 'Don't say that. Being in a relationship means there is give and take. Anything less than that and it's ... something else.' You pull an expression that I have trouble evaluating.

In a relationship. Your voice echoes in my head.

Despite what you say, despite your resistance, I cannot dispel the feeling that this is wrong. It is against my sexual stimulation procedure. It is against my programming. It sends my cognition centre buzzing.


But you continue to kneel and I do not move, gripping my knees as you stroke my erection with your hand. Arching back my head, I gaze up at the ceiling. Even the smallest touch sends a prickling sensation up along my shaft and into my testicles. The heat of the chocolate is making me feel hot all over. I can feel the liquid moving up my tubing a little, worsening the tension in my shaft. The skin is so tight that it starts to feel uncomfortable.

I shift awkwardly on the bed but it does nothing to relieve the peculiar sensation.

'You ready?' you ask.

Still looking up at the ceiling, I nod.

Bending my erection towards your face, you put your mouth around me. I grunt as the sticky heat of your saliva adds to the heat of the chocolate. I grip my knees more tightly as my body tenses. Slowly, you move up and down my appendage, making cute little grunting noises as you do, which tightens the skin around my shaft even more. I can feel the heat of the chocolate burning up my tubing. I gasp as my penis gives a small spasm and I feel something warm trickle out of the tip.

You pull back with a loud smack of your lips. 'Mmm. Yummy.'

You lick my tip before you once more take me in whole. This time I look down from the ceiling to watch you. You do not see me watching, your eyes lowered as you focus on your task. Gently, I grab at your head and drag my fingers through your hair as you bob back and forth.

You feel so good around me.

Pleasure. That wonderful, impossible feeling that makes me eager to get up and serve you each day. But it is more than just that. It is much more than just the physical. Somewhere deep inside me something tightens, then expands each time I touch you, each time I look at you. It is particularly noticeable when you smile. And when you laugh ... it feels like I am floating.

I do not know what it is. Like so many things, I cannot explain it.

I stop dragging my fingers through your hair and instead claw onto you tightly, pushing and pulling your head back and forth as I buck my hips, forcing you to suck in time with my body's rhythm.

It is coming. I am coming.

My body shudders and I feel a wall of warmth surge up my shaft. Your eyes widen as I fill your mouth.

Unnatural Instinct: AndroidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang