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You didn't realise how much would be inside him. It seems like more than the usual an ordinary man would produce. Semen, that is. Not chocolate.

His penis throbs as he jets into your mouth. It's hard to swallow with so much of his rather enormous erection still in your mouth and you're forced to pull back a little lest you choke. With your mouth at his tip, you swallow, then swallow again, enjoying the sticky sweet taste. It coats your gums and teeth and slides down your throat far better than the real thing. He groans as he claws his fingers into your scalp. Soon the jetting of chocolate turns to spurts, then to a trickle.

But you want more.

You suck at him, hoping to draw more chocolate out of his 'pouches'. Strangely, it reminds you of sucking at an ice block as a kid as you tried your best to draw as much sugar out of the ice as possible. Or maybe a straw. More chocolate bursts onto your tongue but not so much as before.

Hiro claws at your head more violently, enough so that you wince as he shouts your name. He hasn't done that before. With no more chocolate forthcoming, you start lapping at his tip, then the length of his shaft, cleaning the chocolate off him.

He moans again.

More chocolate beads his tip and you lick it off. You lick and lap all over him until there's nothing left but a brown streak. It seems his orgasm has done nothing to reduce his erection. In fact, if anything, it's made it worse, standing tall and thick and painful-looking. Or is it simply because of your enthusiastic oral sex? Maybe you're making things worse.

Perhaps your great plan has backfired.

It doesn't matter—you don't mind. And you're sure he doesn't either.

You shift on your knees with a grimace but continue, taking him into your mouth again, letting the sheer enormity of his manhood fill you up until you can feel the tip of it pressing up against the back of your throat.

You've never really enjoyed oral sex before but you find you could do it over and over again with Hiro. As long as there's chocolate. As long as the man you're sucking doesn't sweat or stink or spurt disgusting-tasting semen into your mouth.

It's an easy thing without all that.

It's like dessert on tap. The thought would make you laugh if your mouth wasn't so full. Back and forth you bob your head, wrapping your tongue around his thickness. The chocolate might be mostly gone now but you can still taste the sweetness of it in his skin. Now, instead of feeling like you're sucking at an ice block, it feels like you're sucking on a lollypop.

He's groaning and gasping. He jerks and bucks his hips. He grabs onto your shoulders, onto your hair. He digs his fingers into your scalp. The innumerable muscles in his abdomen clench. His jaw tightens as he cranes his head back. You can't believe it, but he's going to come again.

Moments later, he gives a hard jerk as he ruptures into you a second time. Surprisingly, more chocolate fills your mouth. Not as much as the first time and it jets onto your tongue more slowly, but there's enough to make you swallow several times.

Finally, he releases you, fisting his hands into the sheets. Pulling your mouth away, you sit back, gasping for breath. Hiro is gasping too. He's actually breathing! Or, at least, he's behaving the way he's designed to in replication of what a man experiences when he's been pleasured. His eyes are bright. The tendons in his neck are bulging. The twisting veins in his forearms are doing the same. His hair is so poofy that it reminds you of fairy floss.

Chocolate sauce, lollypop, fairy floss—it seems Hiro is just one big sexy candy man.

The thought makes you giggle.

He looks at you in a daze. Finally, it seems, your plan is working. Though you want desperately to lick the chocolate from around his shaft again and lap at the bead sitting seductively at his tip, you don't want to stimulate him any further.

No matter how much you want to.

It's not for your sake. It's for his. It can't be healthy even for a machine to go—or come—forever, surely.

So instead you lick your lips, watching as he slowly turns limp. 'Feel better?'

He nods.


You struggle to get up. Instantly, he stands and helps you. You stagger in his arms, a little breathless. Your right leg bows beneath your weight, completely useless. You've pushed yourself too hard today. First the walking. Now the kneeling. You haven't moved so much in so long that you feel your muscles aching all down your thigh and arse and side. Nerve pain shoots electric bolts down your side but you grit your teeth and bear it.

He helps sit you in bed, then sits beside you.

'Are you well?' he says.

You smooth your hand down his big thigh with a sigh. 'I am when you are with me.'

He smiles and you smile back.

You both turn at the sound of your phone beeping. 'That might be Mum,' you say.

You watch his perfect, muscular arse as he gets up to retrieve your phone, then watch his flaccid penis swinging between his legs upon his return. It's still covered in chocolate. His balls seem so small now. They looked like little balloons when they were first filled up, taut and tight. Now they appear more like a pair of dates, shrunken and shrivelled as they dangle loosely between his thighs.

'Thank you,' you say, taking it. You look down at the screen. 'Yep. It's Mum. She's going to be home in an hour or so.' You flick your eyes to his crotch and try your best not to chuckle. 'Best to clean yourself off again and get changed. Mum has a tendency to arrive early.'

You can't imagine what she might think if she saw you like this, what she might think of all of this. For a moment you feel a wave of anxiety. What if she were to find out? How long can you keep such a thing a secret? You hate your brain. You hate that question; it implies that it won't last, that there will be an end to it all. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath, trying to dispel your fears.

The future isn't certain. The only certainty is the here and now—and it's too precious to waste on a future that may never be.

As Hiro busies himself in the shower, you flop back onto the bed with a gasp.

What a day.

What a week.

You can only hope it lasts forever.

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