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'Do I please you?' he says.

'Yes, you please me. You astound me. You're the most astounding man I've ever met.'

He beams at you.

You don't ask why he's not working 'down there'. Perhaps he can't function that way. Maybe when he was recommissioned from his previous identity, that particular program was lost. What if it won't work? What if it never works? You wouldn't ask a man a question like that. He might be 'only' a robot but it feels just as wrong asking him too.

It doesn't matter. Though it makes you heart sink a little at the thought you might not be able to get as close to him as you want, you're not ready for it anyway. And besides, at least you know longer have to worry so much about the ethics of what you're doing. It's not so bad if there's no intercourse involved, right?


You bite your lip.

He cocks his head. 'You are thinking.'

You give him a quivering smile. 'I'm always thinking.' You hold out your arms. 'Come here.'

He sits on the edge of the bed, then slides between the sheets until he's pressed up against you, face to face, chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis. He rests his hand lightly on your hip as he lets you explore him.

Lightly, you smooth your hand down his thick neck, across his broad shoulders, down his powerful chest. Then you touch his cheek. You hadn't noticed before but there's the lightest feel of stubble. His makers thought of almost everything.

You kiss him and he kisses back. His hand tightens around your hip before he slides it around your waist and pulls you close. You don't feel so cold now, his skin almost hot against yours.

Though you've had a number of boyfriends, you've never felt so content or safe with them like you do Hiro. There is little fear of overstepping boundaries or saying the wrong thing or hurting his feelings. And you know he won't hurt you. Though that's not exactly true—if he's faulty, there's every possibility he might. But not intentionally and that somehow makes a big difference.

Considering the way you are now, vulnerable and desperate, it would be very easy for a man to take advantage of you physically and emotionally. Not Hiro. All he wants to do is please you. No man has ever been so attuned to your thoughts and feelings.

You have nothing to fear.

So perfect. So perfect in more ways than one.

He stops kissing you and rolls you onto your back. You try not to smile as he tugs down your pants. You quickly slap a hand against your mouth, stifling your giggle as he tosses your pants onto the floor. You snort as he opens your legs. It's been so long since you've had so much fun.

'What are you going to do?' you say as he thrusts open your thighs.

'Give you pleasure.'

You lie back, gazing at the ceiling as you wait. You gasp and sit up as you feel something unbearably soft brush along your opening. His white arse is up in the air, his head lost between your legs. He's using his mouth!

You lie back with a moan, touching your breasts as he licks you again and again. Using his fingers he spreads you open, then darts his tongue in deeper. You gasp again, arching your back. Alex never did this to you. Well, that's not exactly true. He did go down on you a few times but never so deep.

And never so enthusiastically—or so skilfully.

You slap your hand agains your mouth again as you give a little cry. His tongue is stroking you deep on the inside. You can feel it. Grabbing your thighs, he thrusts in more deeply. He's more than enthusiastic, he's almost furious. He makes it seem like he's enjoying it just as much as you are.

It's such a wonderful thing. It's such a wonderful thing to think someone could give you so much without wanting anything in return. That your pleasure is his pleasure.

Even though it's fake, sneers a nasty voice.

No, he says he likes me.

You turn your face into your pillow, letting it muffle your moans and cries as he continues to lick and suck and nibble. He's at your clitoris now, using his fingers, using his tongue. He really knows how to set your body on fire. He's confident and strategic—like he's done this before.

He has done this before.

How many times? And on how many women?

Or men?

You try not to think of it. Besides, you can't be certain it's even true. There's every possibility it might not be true. He could just be faulty.

But how does he know how to please you so well? How can he possibly know, if there isn't something more to him? Something secret.

Thrusting away your thoughts, you sit up and yank at his hair. 'Oh, Hiro. Oh, Hiro.'

Releasing his hair, you smooth your hand down his broad back. You really want to grab his arse but it's too far away. You slump back into your pillows as he continues. He's really using his tongue now, swirling it and jabbing at your clitoris. You're so wet down there you can hear yourself squelching against his lips.

'Hiro,' you gasp.

He stops and looks up.

'Put your fingers in me. I want you inside me when I ... when I come.' You grab his arm as he moves to obey. 'And I want to see you. I want to see your face.'

Bobbing his head, he pulls himself into a kneeling position between your legs. Delicately, he inserts his fingers. It makes you gasp. It makes your hips buck. You thrust against him as he thrusts into you. Unlike the last time, you keep your eyes open, watching him as he watches you.

His eyes are bright, his lips parted. Is it your imagination or is there a fire in his face that wasn't there before? If there is, it's not replicated down below. He's still flaccid.

As you come closer to the end, you fling your good leg over his leg and seize onto his arm, pulling yourself closer so you're almost pelvis to pelvis with him except for his thrusting fingers. You can almost imagine you're having sex with him.

You arch your neck. 'Ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhh!'

You flop back with a moan, smacking your lips as you touch your breasts. It's even better than yesterday! You let yourself revel in all the wonderful sensations for as long as you can before looking back at him, panting. Your legs are still open and he still has his fingers inside you. It's almost as though he doesn't want to pull them free.

'Hiro?' you say.

He's looking down at your crotch, his eyes dark. Suddenly, he brushes his other hand through your pubic hair before gripping onto your hip.

'Hiro?' you repeat. 

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