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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jessica's POV

I woke up to the sound of two men talking, but I could not figure out what they said. I opened my eyes a little, but everything was blurry white.

Where am I? I asked myself, but the throbbing pain of my head made it impossible for me to concentrate. My eyes were so heavy, so I closed them again and drifted off back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, my head felt lighter. I could see clearly and the pain in my head was tolerable. I looked around the room and gasped when I realized I was in a hospital room.

I immediately panicked. I moved my arm but the shooting pain in my shoulder stopped me. I checked my hands, arms and legs for other injuries, and I was relieved that my limbs were functioning well.

I touched my head and felt the thick bandage.

What happened to me? I must have been in some kind of accident.

I tried to recall the memories of the past events. The places I went, the people I was with, the date and time... but there was none. My mind was blank of names, faces, places and events.

"Who am I?" I was instantly filled with fear when I could not remember who I was. I managed to sit up, bearing the pain as I intensely panicked. "Why can't I remember who I am? What is my name? Where do I live?"

But nothing. No name, no address, no contact numbers registered in my mind. Even my face, I could not remember.

I pressed my lips together, holding back my tears as frustration, fear and anxiety overwhelmed me. My eyes focused at every drop of the IV fluid, counting them. At least, I can still count.

"My family. I surely have a family."

The thought of a family brought me into tears. I was sobbing so loud as my fear and anxiety intensified.

The door opened and an older nurse came in.

"Thank God, you're awake!" the nurse hurried towards me, and said in a very comforting voice. "You're crying. Don't upset yourself too much, it's not good for your condition right now."

"Where am I?"

"You're in Auckland Hospital."

"Auckland? Is that in... in..."

"New Zealand." The nurse smiled, and greeted me, "Kia Ora."

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

I could not believe that I was in New Zealand. I was thankful that at least I could remember my geography. New Zealand, a country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, near Australia.

What am I doing in New Zealand? Am I a Kiwi?

I don't think so. Her English accent was different from mine.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I continued to ask.

"You were brought here three days ago after the plane crash."

"A plane crash?"

"Yeah." The nurse nodded.

"Are you saying I was in a plane crash?"

"Exactly. The American plane you rode from Florida crashed in Hamilton."

I shook my head, I could not believe what I was hearing.

"You were very lucky to survive," the nurse continued, "out of five hundred passengers, there were only a few of you who made it."

"Thank God, " I murmured softly. My body trembled with terror. A plane crash was a very tragic accident. Most people would not survive in it.

"I can see that you're still in shock. I have to go and inform your doctor that you're awake. For now, you need to rest, so you'll recover sooner."

"Wait," I said when she was about to leave. "At least, tell me my name."

She faced me again, her eyebrows raising. "You don't remember your name?"

I shook my head in frustration, hot tears instantly rolled on my cheeks. "I can't remember anything! My memory is blank of all names, places, events and faces. I don't even know who I am, where I came from and what I look like."

"Relax, dear, don't upset yourself." Her voice was so soothing as she comforted me. "Your memory must have been affected because of your head injury. But don't be alarmed, because it happens most of the time. It's only temporary. Soon, when you're properly rested and completely recovered, you'll start to remember everything, okay?"

"Are you sure?" I started to doubt her.

"Of course. The important thing right now is, not to upset yourself, and get more rest so you'll recover quickly."

I nodded.

She smiled, then said, "Your name is Jessica. Mrs. Jessica Latsis."

Jessica Latsis. The name sounded strange to me. It did not even ring a bell.

"So, I'm married? Where's my husband? Did he..." my voice suddenly broke, "survive the plane crash?"

"He was not with you. As far as I know, you traveled alone."

I heaved a sigh of relief.

My eyes shifted to the rings on my fingers. A wedding ring and an engagement ring. They were both very beautiful, especially the engagement ring. The diamond was so enormous. I wondered if the stone was real. If it was, it must have cost a fortune.

"Did he come to visit me here?" I asked.

"Of course." She nodded, then her smile widened. "A strikingly attractive man visited you yesterday. He caused some noise in the nurse station, the young nurses were blushing and feeling giddy at his handsomeness. I guess that was your husband."

"Oh." I suddenly became conscious of my appearance. I touched my hair, it was tucked behind my head with the bandage.

"Don't worry, you're very pretty. You don't even need makeup, your skin is so flawless."

"Really? Um... thank you."

"I'll leave you now to rest. I'll inform the doctor that you have already woken up.

Later that evening, my catheter was removed. I was able to go to the bathroom and see myself in front of the big mirror. I stared at my reflection for a few minutes. It was like looking at a stranger with a thick bandage around the forehead.

My green eyes riveted at my long hair. I never thought that I was blonde.

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