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For some reason, you found yourself buzzing with nervous energy, unable to sit still in the empty back seat. Your leg wouldn't stop bouncing, fingers picking at a frayed hem on your shirt. The ride back to Forks felt like it took forever, staring out at the trees as they zoomed by could only distract you for so long.

Both Embry and Paul were shooting you concerned looks every now and again, obviously sensing what they thought was discomfort. But how were you supposed to tell them that the thought of being alone with them was making your stomach do flips? That you could still feel the shape of their legs pressed against yours at Emily's dinning table, desperate for the contact as if you were lost in the desert, desperate for water.

They don't ask you what was wrong though, something you're grateful for as you will yourself to calm down. Settling yourself in for the drive home, you rest your head against the window as you listen to Paul and Embry talk about an upcoming patrol.

When they pull up to your house there isn't a single car in the driveway. Paul parks on the side of the road regardless, leaving room for your parents in the tiny driveway if they come back before they leave. From across the street, you can see the curtains in Candice's window fall into place, the dark maroon fabric a stark contrast to the light coloured brick of her house.

Looking at the rest of the house, you notice that every window has dark curtains of varying colours, all drawn tightly shut. It's odd that the curtains would be drawn while the sun was still out, and you can't help but eye the house suspiciously as you grab your bag and get out of the truck. Knowing the neighbourhood, she probably uses it as a way to keep herself out of the near daily gossip.

The walk into the house and up to your room is quiet, almost uncomfortably so. It's hard to tell how much of your emotions they're able to read through the connection you all share, but you hope they can't tell how flustered you are.

You easily fall into the same positions as the night before, comfortable but still lost in your own thoughts. You fiddle with your hands absently, trying and failing to get settled despite the comfort they radiate.

"Hey..." Embry starts, grabbing the controller from between you to pause the movie, "are you okay, you've been acting weird since the drive over."

Looking between the two boys, you smooth you hands against the top of your pants. Your heart hammers in your chest, but you will the racing to stop as you shuffle foreword, turning to face them both, though unable to look at either.

"I, uhh. I wanna kiss you," You say in a rush, voice quiet as you stumble over your words. You're staring down at your fidgeting hands, too embarrassed to try and meet their eyes. The boys are silent for a while, staring at you with blank faces. Just as the silence stretches on for too long, and you start to think that this was an awful, terrible mistake, Paul breaks the silence.

"Which one?"

You finally look up at that, noticing that both of them are desperately trying to keep any emotion from their faces. The hope still shines through though, and it makes you feel just a little bit better about your impulsive question.

"Both, if that's okay? I know we haven't really been together all that long, or have even talked about us dating, so I don't know if I'm over stepping, or—"

"Yeah, yes. It's more than okay," Embry cuts in, scooting forward so that he's sitting in front of you. He leaves enough room next to him as Paul does the same, "Who— who first?"

"Doesn't matter," You shrug, looking between the two as they look to each other. They seems to come to a decision, though, because Embry is leaning foreword, closing the already short distance between you.

He stops just short of kissing you, face so close that your noses brush at the slightest movement. His eyes dart between your own, and you realize that he's waiting for you to close the distance, to make the first move despite the fact that you asked for this. The thoughtful act makes your stomach flutter and your chest warm.

Leaning foreword, you brace one hand on the ground, the tips of your fingers brushing against Embrys, while the other cups the side of his face. Your lips brush faintly, barely even a kiss at all, but it's enough to bring a smile to your face. Letting your hand slip  into his warm hair, you press firmly against Embry, lips molding together perfectly.

The kiss is over far too soon, but as you pull back, you can still feel the shape of his lips against your own. It takes a moment for your eyes to flutter open, instantly spotting the pleased, soft smile on Embrys face.

You feel your face flush hot when you look to Paul, who is staring between you and Embry with hungry eyes. Swallowing around your nerves, you turn to Paul.

You let go of Embrys face, though before you can reach out for Paul, he's got your face cupped in his large hands, pulling you towards him.

His kiss is a lot firmer, motions clearly practiced. He still moves just a slow though, taking his time. Your hands, that were hovering in the air between you, drop to the carpet, and you push yourself foreword into the kiss.

Embry slides his hand that was resting on the floor closer, threading your fingers together as he watches the kiss. When Paul pulls away your chest is heaving, lips tingling. You ghost your fingers over your lips, a dopey smile on your face.

"Good?" Paul whispers, voice rough. It's a rhetorical question, if the knowing smile on his face is any indication. You nod anyways, subconsciously swaying foreword to get closer.

He goes to meet you half way, eyes sliding closed, but then stops a hairs breath away from your mouth. His head whips to the side, eyes staring out the window and into the dark of the night.

"What? What is it?" You follow his line of sight, but you can't make out anything in the dark. Embry shoots up from beside you, rushing to your closed window to throw it open. Both he and Paul tense up, growling low in their throat, "What's going on?"

"It was that leech," Paul says, face hard when you turn to look at him, "they were here."

I'm so tempted to share the notes I had to write for this story because my memory is so fucking bad I can't remember what happens between chapters. It's decorated so cute!

Also I'm so very sorry with how long it took to update this. I don't have nearly as much as an interest in Twilight as I used to so I find myself working on other things I enjoy instead of this. Don't worry though, this WILL be finished.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now