Author Note: R.I.P Love Life

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Alright, I might be exaggerating, but GUYS FRANCISCO LACHOWSKI IS GETTING MARRIED.

*Takes deep shaky breath*

I cannot explain to you guys how utterly crushed I was when I found this out, and yes I know that I’m just a fangirl, but hear me out! How the hell am I supposed to fantasize dreams about him (that turn into wattpad stories)if he’s married?

 Girlfriend? FINE. Wife? NO.


And I found out in the worst way :(

*Recap of how I found out that the celebrity love of my life was no longer mine*

I was scrolling through tumblr stalking the life out of Francisco with my best friend. It was late and we were sitting by my computer screen salivating over Lachowski’s bare chest. You know, the typical Friday night for losers like us.

We passed by this one picture where he was standing next to this other model. A GIRL MODEL. Normally, we wouldn’t have thought anything about it, except we paused to make fun of Francisco’s highwaters. Sorry, he might have been the nonexistent love of my life, but even I couldn’t hold myself away from having a good laugh over his stupid pants.

Then, we moved on to the girl. Oh God, did we have a great laugh over her.

“Dude, oh my God she looks pregnant, haha!” I joked, pointing at her weirdly shaped stomach.

My friend busted into a fit of laughter, before replying, “They need to get her into a different dress! It’s probably her leg pulling the dress up!”

“What’s she doing? Riding a horse?” I continued joking. (Ladies and possibly Gentlemen, she was definitely not riding a horse, in fact she was riding the love of my-ok sorry trying to keep this PG-13)

Right as I was about to continue scrolling down, my friend said something.

“Wait, it says congratulations. Why?”

I would like to take this moment to defend myself. Maybe I was too distracted by his beautiful face, or in denial….or maybe I’m just stupid, because I replied, “I don’t know, how do you know? The magazines in French. Since when do you know French?”

(The pictures were from a magazine coverage, by the way.)

But, my friend just shook her shoulders and we carried on.

Until we stumbled upon the same girl and Francisco, but they were wearing different outfits.  Specifically she was in a bra, underwear, and pantyhose. That’s when I realized that model’s did NOT have protruding bellies and that my world was over. Guess what guys? SHE WAS PREGNANT. Whoopity Bapity Doo -_-

I swear I was one hot mess. I nearly teared up, I was on the floor asking myself why the world had to be so cruel, and my friend was under me in pain because I had thrown myself at her in distress and knocked her over.  Even my mom called down from the bottom floor to ask if everything was Ok since I was making such a spectacle of myself. Mascara and eyeliner were all over my face because I had landed face first on the carpet floor, seriously it was quite dramatic.

Again, in my defense, I do theater, so I’m naturally over the top.

It was still soul crushing. Francisco Lachowski was engaged and ready to have a baby with some beautiful model.

At least he gave me inspiration enough to write Sugar Babe before he was unattainable, which is the only positive side to all of this.  This rant/short recount of the end of my nonexistent love life isn’t just here for no reason guys. Lol I wanted to use this time to let you guys know that I will be posting the first chapter of Liquor Lips on the first day of January! Please look out for it and praise Jesus that I didn’t decide to make the sequel with Joshua and Lilly, because I would have scraped it due to a lack of inspiration. *sigh*

Hope you guys have a great holiday season and thank you so much for reading!

OH, and there is still hope for me guys! I know that Sam Way is patiently waiting for me :)

*Crosses fingers hoping he doesn’t come out to be gay in a stroke of dramatic irony*

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