🎄Chapter 08: 🎶God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman🎶🎄

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Chapter 08: 🎶God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman🎶

*Annabelle's POV*

About a couple of weeks into the New Year, Charlie had his Career Day at school today.
I have a bad feeling about this. It could go many ways, especially if your dad works at a toy company making and selling toys....who also happens to be the real Santa Claus....kind of ironic, isn't it? You can imagine how that went down with the kids in Charlie's class.

Not only that, but Mr. I-Got-My-PhD-Out-Of-A-Cereal-Box is there with mom too, since he's our stepdad.

After high school ended for the day, I went to Charlie's school because I said to Holly I'd pick up Roxy for her and drop her off at the orphanage.

Holly's a member of the drama club, and I'm a member of the music club. I usually get roped into taking part in a musical that the drama club would perform because I play piano, as well as sing, of course...but not a single soul at school knows I sing, except for Holly obviously, and I intend to keep it that way for a very long time. I'm just known as 'the freak who still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny'. It doesn't bother me to be honest, I'm not going to stand around and deny what is actually true.

But I will say that the reason why I feel self-conscious about singing in front of everyone, is because I'm afraid of what people would think when they see the freak perform in front of them. I don't think I can take any humiliation from people because they don't like my voice.

So, in order to avoid all of that, I try to stay out of the lime light as much as possible.

Holly drags me to help out the drama club sometimes, despite how reluctant I am to say no to her. They're always looking for someone to play music for them, because in their words, it 'helps bring out the dramatic effect of the scenes.' That's when the orchestra comes in, which would include me.

Thankfully, I'm normally hidden behind a curtain while playing the piano so people don't see me....which to tell you the truth, is mostly what I intend to do in every performance.

I said mostly....never said all the time.

And why is that, you ask?

I'll give you a big clue here - rhymes with dolly.

Besides, even when I'm not behind the curtain, no one pays attention to the person playing the piano anyway, because all the audience pay attention to is centre stage, not the people on the sidelines.

Anyway, as I got to Charlie's school, I sat on a bench and waited for Roxy to come running out of the doors like she normally does. I might as well say hello to Charlie while I'm at it, and mom...and Neil, I guess.

Once the school bell rang to signal the end of the day, a mob of kids came running out. I saw Roxy walk out soon after, but she didn't look like her usual self.

In fact, she looked a little sad.

I made my way towards her to see what's wrong. "Roxy!" I shouted.

She snapped her head in my direction, and a huge grin formed on her face. "Bell? Bell!" She ran over to me with her arms wide open "How come Holly isn't here to pick me up?"

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