🎄Chapter 16: 🎶Sleigh Ride🎶🎄

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Chapter 16: 🎶Sleigh Ride🎶

*Holly's POV*

Once we met up with Scott, all of us were walking down the hallway and did a little dance here and there. It was a little weird, but a lot of fun at the same time...if that makes any sense? I could imagine the Rocky theme or the theme from Top Gun played in the background while we did this, wouldn't that have been awesome?

You don't know how happy it made me feel when dad suddenly said he'll adopt me. I've always thought of them as family, and now that I know I'll officially be a part of their family, even though it's through adoption, I could literally cry!

I've never known either of my parents, neither does Elizabeth. I was a 'doorstep baby' - found on the doorstep of the orphanage wrapped in a blanket with only a necklace that had a leaf on it that changes colour depending on your emotions. Problem is, I was stupid enough to lose it. Bell and I looked everywhere for it for days, but no such luck.

Anyway, enough about my past, it's all about the present now. We were outside where the sleigh is now parked with the reindeer in front, ready for take off any moment. I stood next to Luke with his arm around my waist, and Bell on the other side of me with her hand still holding Bernard's, who stood the other side of her.

Scott walked over to Comet, holding a card up to show him whilst reading it out. "'From Comet, to Santa'. Did you make this card?" Comet nodded. I'm not surprised that he wrote the card. I mean, seeing as all of...well...this...is real, I'm pretty sure that anything is possible.

Not only did Comet write a card for dad, he also got him a red and white striped rope, probably in case he ends up falling off the roof...that's a good idea, actually.

"It's a nice rope. Just in case I fall off a roof?" Comet nodded again. Scott scratched the side of Comets head. "Comet, this means a lot to me. Thanks, buddy."

From farting in Scott's face at the beginning, to giving him a special gift for Christmas. Building bonds of friendship with people works in many different ways. Take Bell and I for example, you've read about the challenge we've faced during the year alone, you know that we've been the best of friends since we were little kids ourselves.

How did we become friends in the first place?

Believe it or not, we met for the first time on Christmas Eve, and also Bell's birthday, the year before we met Luke and Bernard. We met at a local church for a Christmas Eve service they held every year.

As we were leaving, Bell had dropped a bell that was attached to some red ribbon like a key ring...kind of ironic, isn't? Anyway, the bell ended up rolling on the floor towards me. I picked it up and made my way over to Bell, who was sobbing her heart out saying she had lost the bell and couldn't find it anywhere.

I tapped her shoulder, making her turn round and look at me with her tear stained face. I held up the bell she lost and rang it. Her frown turned into a huge grin, thanking me for finding it for her.  She told me she received it as a gift from Santa once and said you can only hear the ring of the bell if you believe.

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