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I wake up and stare at my ceiling for a while. I look at the time and realize it's 6:30 I debate with myself wether to get up or not. I decide to get up and look out the window, I am saddened that Gilbert isn't here to see this beautiful morning, it looks cold but refreshing. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk back to my room and get dressed in a Lilac colored dress, and do my hair. I tie a white ribbon in my hair, I do wish I had a more flattering colored hair, instead it's plain brown. It's only 7:0 so I head downstairs and see my mother in the kitchen making breakfast, and my little brother sitting at the table.

"Good morning!" I beamed, I woke up quite energized this morning, not sure why.

"Good morning dear, Can you set the table?"

"I will do it right now" I answered her before swiftly turning around to set the table.


As we finished breakfast, I grabbed my scarf and coat and called for my brother.

My brother, Tyler, came walking to me with his school bag and put on his coat and scarf too.

"Goodbye Mother, We'll be on our way now!" I called out to her hoping she heard.

"C'mon Tyler let's go!" Saying as I grabbed his hand and started walking.

Tyler's friends also walked the same trail as us so I let him walk with them. They started running so I lost sight of them and was walking alone. I enjoyed the quiet though, It was peaceful.


I see the school and see kids outside, thankfully I'm not late! I put my milk out by the stream and walked inside to put my things away. I walked towards Diana, Ruby, And Josie, I missed school the day before so they filled me in, Ruby started going on about Gilbert and how she missed him. Ruby has liked Gilbert for a while now and has "dibs" on him, I pretend to listen. I zoned out while staring out the window until the sound of the door brought me back to reality. I turned around to see who came in and you won't believe who I saw.

I stood there frozen just watching as Gilbert walked in with a rather strange but pretty looking girl with braided red hair who I assume is the new girl, Anne, I was told about. I can't quite make out what they're saying but then the boys cheer as they see Gilbert and he is separated from Anne. I hear part of Gilberts conversation with Moody.

"Why were you walking with that Orphan girl?" Charlie asks Gilbert. I look at the board pretending not to listen.

"Why not?"

"She's a loon" adds moody.

Ruby says something that takes away my attention, I listen back to Gilbert's conversation shortly after.

"Besides.., I don't care where she's from a cute girl is a cute girl" Gilbert chuckles.

I realize I suddenly feel weird. Sad? Mad? I can't even explain it. Was I.... Jealous? Wait no! That's non sense I can't!

I get lost in my thoughts that I don't even realize that Diana is talking to me.

"C'mon y/n, Ruby is crying and probably going to give her dibs speech, don't wanna miss it!" Diana chuckles to me with a slight concerned expression.
I get up and follow.
Of course as we step out, Josie is the first to say something.

Just a Dream || Gilbert Blythe x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن