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Everyone went through the gate and they were riding in the old abandoned town right outside the walls that were now Titan territory.  Levi squad was in between the supply cards to protect Eren and suddenly a ten-meter class was coming towards the front. The support team was ordered to take care of it in order to protect the formation. 

"Our squad doesn't seem nervous except for Eren but it's not bad." Marie thought as she felt the energy of her squad.

They got out of the abandoned town and got into the long scouting formation as they reached an open area. Suddenly a red flare got shot into the air, meaning that a Titan was spotted. 

"Marie. You shoot." Levi ordered her and Marie did as he told her to.

She grabbed a red flare and the squad somewhere next to her replied with another red flare. Then a green was shot towards the east so the formation could avoid the Titan. It was all doing good for half an hour until Marie saw a yellow flare on the right side, far in the distance.

"An emergency?" Marie thought.

Marie rode a bit faster to get next to Levi. 

"I saw it. We'll wait for Erwins orders." Levi said as he looked at Marie

After a few moments, Erwin shot a green flare towards the left. The mission continued but the course changed.

"Olou. You shoot." Levi said to him.

"Report!" Someone who came from the right side squad shouted as he got next to Levi. "Message to pass along!  The right flank recon has been destroyed! Our recon system is partially inoperative. Pass this on to the left."

Levi ordered Petra to pass this message to the left and she went away.

"The right flank? That's where Armin is. He should be fine I think. He's more towards the center and Titans couldn't possibly be that fast to make it that far into the formation.

Marie could hear loud thuds from that side and she got slightly worried.

"Is it running?"

Suddenly, a ton of black flares were shot into the air on the right side and Eren was ordered to shoot a black flare as well.

"What a mess... We let it penetrate this deeply in our formation." Levi muttered.

"It's most likely running. The thuds I hear are fast." Marie signed.

"We'll wait once again for orders from Erwin," Levi said.

A messenger came, told Levi something, and went away to spread the message.

"We're going through this forest," Levi said as he looked at a forest of giant trees in front of them.


They were deep in the forest and Eren started talking, a little worried about the center being in the middle of the forest, incapable of knowing when Titans will come towards them now that the sides aren't able to spread a message.

"Don't go on and about the obvious... We can't do that anymore, of course." Levi told him.

"T-Then why?" Eren asked worriedly.

"Look around, Eren. At all these big-ass trees. It's the perfect environment for ODM gear. Try to use that tiny brain of yours... If you don't want to die, think."

Marie looked around and it was indeed the perfect environment for ODM gear. Marie wasn't too worried about everything since she trusts her brother's words, but looking at her squad... Everyone was worried and tense.

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