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*Time skip 3 months*

In the meantime, They've learned lots of things and Isabel even learned how to use the ODM gear. Marie learned from Levi how to use a knife and to protect herself. They were drinking tea now and it was a habit of Levi to drink tea at least two times a day.

"Thomas and Abel are low on food again. They can't really leave their house since they have to take care of their mother. I feel bad honestly... Can we help them?" Marie asked.

"If we have some extra savings we could. Those are your friends aren't they?" Furlan asked.

"Yeah. Usually, when you do your business with ODM gear, I go to them to help around their house and sometimes protect them from robbers."

"You do?"

"Yeah. They can't protect themselves so I decided to help since I can use a knife."

"I see."

Levi was observing the conversation between Furlan and Marie while cleaning his knife. Isabel seemed to be in thought until she realized something.

"Hey, bro! Don't you think you and Marie look a lot like each other? The only difference is that Marie has electric blue eyes and yours are more grey-ish. You might be related!" Isabel started.

"Isn't Marie your sister?" Furlan asked.

"No. I got her from a man named Kenny when she was two."

"Kenny?" Levi asked.

"Yeah. He walked with her to the orphanage where he was planning to leave her..."

"Is that true? Marie?" Levi asked.

"I obviously don't know much since I was only two. But I do know that a man with a hat picked me up. I also remember that I tried my best to not let go of my blanket." Marie answered.

"She had her name embroidered on there but not her last name sadly, You two might've gotten the same last name," Isabel said.

"Uhm... guys... I can feel that we're being watched by the window over there." Marie pointed to the window behind her where a black figure immediately left.

"You have great sensory skills, Marie.." Furlan said shocked.

"She had that ever since she was young. She can even feel other's emotions or energy. Her hearing is also exceptional." Isabel explained and Marie nodded.

"Tch. The figure left." Levi said annoyed. "But how can we be related? My mom died when I was around 11 years old."

"You might be distant cousins or something," Isabel said.

Marie looked back and suddenly saw a yellow paper stuck to the window. She walked towards it and saw the logo of Wall Sheena on it. On the head was the text; Population and underneath #1246000


"What is it? Marie?" Isabel asked.

"There's this paper on the window that appeared right after the figure went away. He might have left it here for us to see." Marie told them.

Levi was the first one to stand up and he opened the window to grab the paper.

"The corner and part of the side are ripped off." Furlan pointed out.

"The logo of wall Sheena... Population #1246000.." He turned the paper around and saw Marie's name on it. "Marie... Her last name is ripped off." Levi said.

"The person outside must've listened to our conversation and then left it here for us to see on purpose." Furlan said. "go further Levi."

"Birthday, 8 November, 836. Place of birth, The underground, Wall Sheena. Name of biological mothe-" Levi stopped there.

"What is it? bro?" Isabel asked worriedly.

"Biological mother... Kuchel My mom's name was Kuchel." Levi couldn't believe what he just read and Marie couldn't too.

"Seriously? Why is that side ripped off as well?! You two could've figured out your last name but no!" Isabel shouted.

"Seems like the person that left this didn't want us to know what our last name is..." Marie said.

"But Levi. Didn't your mother die when you were 11?" Furlan asked.

"Yeah, she did." He replied shortly. "But Marie was born about 10 years after my mom died... How?"

"Who could've gotten his hands on this paper though? It must be someone who personally knows Marie." Furlan was in deep thought while Isabel and Marie shared a glance.

"The only one who could've gotten his hands on this paper is Kenny since he knew Marie," Furlan said.

"That could make sense.." Marie replied softly.

"Does that mean that Kenny was outside our window just now?" Isabel asked.

"Could've but it could also be one of his men.. we don't know," Furlan replied.

"I see... But the thing we do know is that bro and Marie are brother and sister! Isn't that fun?" Isabel said to brighten up the confused mood.

"I suppose you could say that." Furlan smiled as he looked at Levi.

Levi pattened Marie's head.

"I suppose you could say that too."

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