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~Two days later.~

Armin, Mikasa, and Eren were already starting the operation by taking Annie to the tunnel and Marie was observing the situation behind a dormer on a rooftop. She was ordered to immediately take action if Annie transformed. Various other people were hiding to restrain Annie. 

"The tension between them is intense..." Marie thought.

Suddenly Annie laughed and moved her hand to her mouth. Armin shot a flare and the people who were hiding came out and got a hold of Annie. Marie tightened her grip on her blades as she watched the scene unfold.

Marie noticed something shiny on her finger and Mikasa noticed too. 

"Don't tell me..."

Mikasa pulled Eren and Armin away and Marie got her blades out and covered herself for the impact of Annie's transformation.

Annie transformed and the people who restrained her instantly died by the impact. Annie reached into the tunnel with her arm and Marie jumped off the roof. Annie stomped onto the tunnel. 

"You little shit."

Marie got in front of Annie and Annie tried to grab her but she dodged it. Right at that moment Mikasa and Armin came out of the tunnel. Armin went to Eren who was under the rubble and Mikasa put up a fight with Annie. More people of the Survey Corps came out of every corner to help.

"Marie! go get Jean! Bring his gear to him!" The captain of squad four said.

Marie went to the captain and grabbed Jean's gear. She flew around and saw Jean running towards where Annie had transformed. Marie landed right in front of him and handed him his gear.

"Thanks! Did Annie transform?" Jean said as he started to put on his gear.

"Yeah. Eren was unable to transform and he's under the rubble now. I think Armin is getting him out." Marie signed.

"Tch. That suicidal blockhead."

Jean finished putting on his gear and they both went to where everyone was fighting.

"Marie! Go ahead. I'll help Armin." Jean said and he landed next to Armin while Marie went ahead towards Annie.

"There isn't anything we can really do against her. She can harden her skin so It's impossible to cut her out. I can only distract her so that she doesn't get the chance to get to Eren."

Annie's giant hand reached for her again but she cut off her fingers. A blinding light then came from behind her, meaning that Eren transformed. Marie quickly got out of the way and Eren punched Annie in her face.

Marie went to Mikasa who was on the ground and helped her up.

"Eren transformed didn't he?" Mikasa asked.

"He did. Are you okay?" 

"I am. Let's regroup with Armin."

Mikasa and Marie went to Armin and he was with Hange and Jean.

"Marie, Mikasa!" Armin said and Eren and Annie ran past them.

"This time he's retaining control," Hange said as they looked at Eren

The rest of Hange's squad came there as well for orders.

"Everyone! Split up and work your way on the other side!" Hange told them and everyone did as they ordered them to.

They all watched the fight but if it kept going at this rate, Annie would destroy the city first before they could capture her. Everyone watched their fight close by but they couldn't do much to help. Eren went completely feral and everyone was nervous about how this would end.

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