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I shower
Every day
And though this may not seem
Like a significant accomplishment
It is

You see,
I have showered
Every single day
Of freshman semester
I have showered
While I cried
I have showered almost entirely
I've showered at
And at 3 in the morning
I have showered eyes puffy
And raw from sobbing
I have showered
When it overwhelmed me to
Simply walk
13 steps to the shower
I have showered
When I thought I
Would just crumple up
And die
I have showered
And put myself to bed

And I have suffered
Some nights
Many nights
It feels like
Yet amid my suffering
When I could not push on
When I could not
Even make it off my floor
I have managed to get up
To shower
And to put myself to bed

I have ended every day
Taken care of
And I am proud of myself


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