Juggling Titles on a Tightrope

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I have juggled titles
And balanced hats
Like a tight-rope walker
On a fraying rope
My entire
College career

I have been loved
And I have been lonely

I have been a girlfriend
And I have been an ex

I have been a friend
And I have been a shallow facade

I have been roommate
And I have been a friend

I have been a marketer
And I have been a manager

I have been confident
And I have faked my confidence
Every minute of every day

I have been a business owner
And I have been a humble student

I have been an apprentice
And I have been a teacher

I have worked five jobs
And I have taken days off

I have been a leader
And I have- admittedly rarely- been a follower

I have been hurt
And I have been angry

I have been joyful
And I have undertaken wild adventures

I have been
A teacher
A student
A business owner
A photographer
A manager
A leader
A marketer
A producer
An editor
A journalist
A tutor
A stylist
A saleswoman
A church woman
A daughter
A girlfriend
An ex
A friend
A roommate
And many other things
In these past three years

And yet,
I am tired.

I am confident
And I can fake confidence

Yet I am becoming to tried to try

Stress has driven me
To perfection and sucess

Yet I'm becoming painfully aware
That there must be more
Than sucess
And stress

Because these titles I wear
Are not all worth their struggle

And these hats I carry
May soon trip me off the tightrope

I have fought
And balanced
And clawed my way to sucess
Through many sleepless nights 
And through many tearful moments
I am tired.

I am too tired
To continue to be stressed
I am sick of the struggle
And soon,
I will start throwing hats
From the sky I have for so long
Balanced so precariously in


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