College Sucks

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What they tell you
Go to college!
You'll get far
Once you

What they don't tell you
Is that once you graduate
No one gives a
Flying crap
About you
No one
Is going to help you

Your admissions officers
Stop calling
They stop answering
Your questions.
Your professors
Only speak when spoken to
Your parents
Don't have the answers

You are on your own now.

It's not like
No one cares
About you
It's simply that
Those who care
Can't help you anymore
And those who can help you
Don't care anymore

You're grown
You're legal now
You're in college
Figure it out

Figure it out

Write your essays
Check your email
Make friends
Keep your friends
Maintain a healthy
With your lover and your parents
Or don't sleep
It doesn't matter
If you take care of yourself
Just check off the to do lists
You'll get married
& Get a job
Once college is over
You can take care of yourself
For now,


Work till you're sick
Nauseated by stress
College is hard
Is hard for everyone

You haven't even started yet
And it's hard
Your admissions officer?
He won't respond
Your professors?
Not your professors yet
Your questions aren't their
Right now
Your parents?
They care
But they still can't help
They don't know how to

And you know what's the worst part?
That little nagging voice
In the back of your head
The one that is saying
"Why are you going to college?
Is this really where you want to be?
What are you doing here?"

As if college wasn't hard enough
Now you have to wrestle
With the question
Of if you should
Even be here


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