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"Is that a hint?"
She whispers to me
After switching seats
So that I'll feel comfortable

"Beth!" She yells out
In the middle of a drive
After I've been quiet
And uninvolved for too long

She says hello to me
Even though I'm only
A friend of a friend

She sat next to me
In the back of a golf cart
And we giggled about
How she shouldn't drop her phone

The first day she met me
She told me
She admired my
Intentionality in living purely

She has reminded me
Why I care to
Include the outsider

I had forgotten what 
It meant to be the outsider
And she has reminded me
What it means
To have an insider
Care for you
Because they love Jesus

She told me
From a bathroom stall
"I just know what it's like
To be the one not included."
And in that
She has reminded me
How important it is
To include the outsider

Thank you Jesus
For Allie


 [p o e t r y]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt