It Ends in Greatfulness

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I fear that freshman year
Will end
And with it my friendships

I fear that
I will not be
Wanted or needed
This summer

I fear I will have no
No adventures
Without my

And I will miss them

I fear I will come back
And my friends who are not
Coming back
Will cease to be my friends

I have felt
And like
An adventurer
This semester

I have felt
And excited to be alive
This semester

And I am
Not prepared
For it to end

I am scared
That those who will
Not return
Will cease
To exist in my life
I am so scared of that
I will miss them
Much too much

But even though I am sad
And scared
I am grateful
For the moments I've had
For the adventures I've gone on
For the goofy moments
For the roller skating blisters
And the hands I've held
For the unfair fights
Where I end up
On a couch
And the times I hung out a window
screaming and singing 
During a car ride

Even if it has to end
I still am grateful
For the good
My heart is so full
That it feels
It may burst
With fear, hurt, and hope
But at least it is full
And I am endlessly


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